
“The Word Did It All”: The Necessity of Preaching According to the Protestant Reformers

The common thread from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries was the faithful, clear, passionate preaching of God’s Word combined with holding fast to the doctrine of justification by faith alone.

Author Interviews: James M. Hamilton Jr.– Psalms Commentary

Author Interview

Our Fallen World Needs the Book of Revelation

Revelation reveals to us where the world is going, and it tells us what we should do to be part of the new world that is coming.

How God Helps Us Pray According to His Will

The Spirit of God will use the word of God to help the people of God pray increasingly according to the will of God.

Can a Christian Believe in Evolution?

The church should stand firm in its enduring reading of Scripture’s account of divine creation and remain faithful to its historical position, praising God the Creator for his purposeful creation ex nihilo and of every specific kind of both nonliving and living things.

Galatians Is the Antidote to Legalism and Antinomianism

I haven’t grown past my need to walk on a path paved with the grace-saturated words of this letter. I suspect I’m not alone, so here are six reasons I’ll never be able to leave Galatians behind.

Do Facts Care about Your Feelings?

Feelings and facts work together because our feelings, when properly ordered, perfectly align with truth.

Author Interviews – R. Albert Mohler Jr. “Grace & Truth Study Bible”

Author Interview

Did Jesus Come to Bring Peace or a Sword?

We must beware of oversimplifying Jesus’ message. Many think that Jesus came to bring peace and harmony—and this is obviously true—but he also came to bring division. If our family members do not side with Jesus, we must decide whether we will stand with Jesus or with our families.

The Entire OT Storyline in 2,000 Words

The Scriptures open in Genesis with God as the sovereign King creating the world and everything in it.

Why Did Jesus’s Teaching Astonish His Hearers?

Jesus proved to be a masterful chess player. He simply refused to get caught in verbal or intellectual traps, and in fact always managed to turn the heat back on the one who posed the challenge in the first place.

Sola Scriptura Guards Us from Numerous Dangers

At the heart of Sola Scriptura, is the recognition that fallen humans are always looking to replace God’s authority with some other human/creaturely authority

Luther’s Dying Words are True: We are Beggars.

We’re beggars because the words of man will never fill our spiritual appetite. We need food from heaven. We need to hear from God.

Does God Still Speak through Dreams? (Part 1)

The answer requires nuance, a full look at Scripture, and especially attention to the changes between the old covenant and the new.

What Does the Bible Say about Itself and Why Is That So Important?

Either he speaks, or we guess.

Why we need faithful preaching—even when it doesn’t seem to apply to us

If you want to be trained, mature, and ready for the good works God’s prepared for you to do each day, learn his Word well—even when it feels like he’s talking to someone else.

The Council of Nicaea did not create the canon of Scripture

One idea that has yielded dangerous consequences is the notion that the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), under the authority of Roman emperor Constantine, established the Christian biblical canon.

Are there degrees of sin?

So, does Scripture teach there are degrees of sin? The answer is, yes, but in making such an affirmation one can never relativize the serious nature of all sin