Luther’s Dying Words are True: We are Beggars.
We’re beggars because the words of man will never fill our spiritual appetite. We need food from heaven. We need to hear from God.
We’re beggars because the words of man will never fill our spiritual appetite. We need food from heaven. We need to hear from God.
As you grow in your appreciation for the beauty of the Scriptures, may your preaching reflect the glory of God, to the praise of his great name among his people.
If we’re honest, every Christian would rather have a faithful preacher who occasionally mumbles words and gets lost in his notes than a shallow, captivating one.
In nearly 30 years of preaching through the Old Testament regularly, I’ve enjoyed helping God’s people see that he teaches some of his greatest truths through biography.
If you want to be trained, mature, and ready for the good works God’s prepared for you to do each day, learn his Word well—even when it feels like he’s talking to someone else.
The orality of preaching makes it a more powerful medium than writing.
I seriously doubt that I will ever see someone else complete the exposition of the New Testament in such a thorough way to one local church ever again. But I hope you’d consider making it your goal.
Faithful sermons exposit the text, and faithful exposition takes into account the text’s literary, historical, covenantal, and ultimately canonical context.
Dr. York sits down with Clint Pressley (senior pastor, Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC) to discuss preaching and pastoring in North Carolina.
The Christ who died and lives forever and ever tells Christians to Fear Not.
In the spirit of trying to encourage the effective use of illustrations, here are eight places to look for them.
Minister that word and do not rely much at all on the “mechanics” of what you read from.
Brothers, make some intentional plans today to improve your sermon preparation.
It is amazing the progress we can make over our unnecessary speech fillers once we own them and begin to focus on working ourselves out of them.
Preaching is the overwhelming witness of Scripture as the means of communicating the words of God.
Broadus’ “soul was on fire with the truth which he trusted had saved him and he hoped would save others”
I stepped into car sales out of necessity, to put food on the table. Little did I know God would use this wilderness journey to teach me how to pastor.
A preacher of the gospel must have a pastor’s heart.