
Even in his death, Billy Graham Preached the gospel

A personal reflection from the Billy Graham School dean

Two-time Super Bowl champion and SBTS donor lives out a public faith

Chris Maragos, a donor to Southern Seminary, won the Super Bowl (twice) — but that’s not his highest goal.

Keeping the Evangel in Evangelism

Why evangelicalism can’t abandon the old, old story

Boston: The most strategic city on earth?

Southern Seminary alumnus Bland Mason and the quiet, strategic movement to reach America’s most iconic city.

How the Lord’s Prayer will turn the world upside down

R. Albert Mohler Jr. explains how Christians have understood the Lord’s Prayer for centuries — and why it matters more than ever today

Editorial: Celebrating the Reformation by Remembering the Legacy of Martin Luther

Martin Luther Timeline

The “Heidelberg Theses” of 1518: A Milestone in Luther’s Theological Maturation

“Subtle Sacramentarian” or Son? John Calvin’s Relationship to Martin Luther

Can This Bird Fly? Repositioning the Genesis of the Reformation on Martin Luther’s Early Polemic against Gabriel Biel’s Covenantal, Voluntarist Doctrine of Justification

A Treasure Above All Treasures: Martin Luther on Dying Well

“The Glorious Work of the Reformation”: Andrew Fuller and the Imitation of Martin Luther

Through Another’s Eyes: The Reception of Luther among Early English Baptists

Martin Luther and John Calvin

“Faith is Never Without Fight” (1 Tim 5:12-14): A John Calvin Sermon

SBJT Forum: Martin Luther

Book Reviews

Southern Seminary houses the only school endorsed by Billy Graham

Billy Graham leaves behind a rich legacy not only in evangelism and American religious life, but in the history of Southern Seminary. In 1963, under the leadership of SBTS President Duke McCall, the school established the Billy Graham chair of evangelism, which became a position now held by Timothy K. Beougher. In 1993, Southern Seminary…