The Who, What, How, and When of 1 Pet 3:19
Who or what are the spirits to whom Jesus preached? What did Jesus preach? What does Peter mean by preaching? How did Jesus preach, and when did Jesus preach?
Who or what are the spirits to whom Jesus preached? What did Jesus preach? What does Peter mean by preaching? How did Jesus preach, and when did Jesus preach?
The coherent and progressive nature of biblical revelation will enable readers to trace biblical themes and teachings, to notice development of earlier texts and concepts, and to situate the passage in question within the redemptive-historical arc of Scripture.
An interview with Rob Plummer at the Bookstore at Southern.
An interview with author Chris Castaldo about The Upside Down Kingdom: Wisdom for Life from the Beatitudes
Who will escape the wrath of God at the final judgment? Only those who belong to God, those who are sealed by him, who are numbered by him.
Connections between pagan practices and later patterns in Christian worship or holiday celebrations may be interesting—but these links have nothing to do with whether New Testament accounts of the life of Jesus are historically accurate.
Author Interview
James M. Hamilton discusses his new book Typology – Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns.
If you’re a skeptical reader of Scripture, be honest about your questions. Pray about the concern, study the text carefully, and pose questions to a trusted source.
For the true Christian, the question is not “Am I perfect?” (Christ’s imputed righteousness has already met that need), but “Do I know Jesus?” Or better still, “Does Jesus know me?”
John proclaims the Word as God, through whom the world was made, in whom is life, and who is unquenchable light.
Revelation reveals to us where the world is going, and it tells us what we should do to be part of the new world that is coming.
Shocking words. Words that may strike us as harsh on the surface. But what did he mean?
We must beware of oversimplifying Jesus’ message. Many think that Jesus came to bring peace and harmony—and this is obviously true—but he also came to bring division. If our family members do not side with Jesus, we must decide whether we will stand with Jesus or with our families.
I seriously doubt that I will ever see someone else complete the exposition of the New Testament in such a thorough way to one local church ever again. But I hope you’d consider making it your goal.
The Christ who died and lives forever and ever tells Christians to Fear Not.
In 1 Corinthians 16:13, the Apostle Paul has clearly chosen to associate courage with masculinity.
The New Testament writers never imagined a passive faith that could be sundered from a life of discipleship.