
4 Ways Christmas Provides Mission Opportunities

The Christmas season for most of us tends to be a time to slow down, celebrate, and reflect. Yet, Christmas can also provide unique opportunities for Christians to live missionally in tangible ways.

Episode 44: How to be a Missions-Minded Church

In this episode, Hershael York walks through how to be a church that cares for missionaries, and how to be mindful of those working in the field through giving and mission trips.

Nine Important Facts about Muhammad

By learning about the prophet of Islam, Christians will be better able to speak of our hope in Christ to Muslims around us.

Eight Types of People Churches Should Send to the Mission Field

If you wouldn’t put the would-be missionary on your church staff—assuming you had the funds to do so—don’t put them on a plane.

Missions Travel during a Pandemic? 3 Ways to Count the Cost

We look forward to the day when decisions about short-term trips are made comparatively simply, but we’re not there yet, so we need wisdom.

Churches Should Not Only Go, They Should Stay

Missionaries need more than sending churches. They need a host of staying churches who will remain spiritual mothers in the days, months, and years ahead.

William Carey’s Ministry a Story of Desire, Opportunity, and Gifting

Carey desired to see the nations reached with the gospel. His gifts were clear from an early age, and his opportunity came in time.

Fundamentals of the missionary call in Adoniram Judson

What did it mean for Adoniram Judson to feel “called” to be a missionary?

How church history will help you defend the faith

John of Damascus (676-749) is a model for how rich theology fuels Christian evangelism.

15 things every (faithful) missionary needs

Only by God’s kind, saving, and sanctifying grace can anyone attain the characteristics, competencies, and commitments of a faithful missionary.

5 challenges for missionaries (and why they’re worth it)

A missionary’s only hope is found in Christ and in his providential and sovereign work in the world.

10 reasons every pastor should care about missions

Billions of people are being born, living their entire lives, and dying without ever hearing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This reality cannot be tolerable.

Balancing people and place in missions

Jesus commissions his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That command necessitates focus on both peoples and also places.

Teaching them to observe all I have commanded you

The Christian college and the Great Commission

7 ways to engage adherents of other faith traditions

The world says there are many ways to God, but the Bible says there is only one. Here’s how to talk to your friends from other religions about Christianity.

Episode 2: Missions, Preaching, and Spiritual Warfare with Paul Chitwood

Dr. York sits down with Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board, to discuss missions, preaching, and spiritual warfare.

The most important gift for a missionary

The best gift for any missionary is to be like Jesus.

226 years ago today, Baptist missions was born

In May of 1792, William Carey powerfully argued that the clear teaching of the New Testament was that Christ had accomplished everything necessary for the ingathering of the nations.