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Student life Conference: Life and Lessons in Disability Ministry – Session 2 Q&A

God sometimes moves us through good books
Sometimes at certain times in our lives God uses particular books to move us in significant ways. We wonder how it is that we could be reading that book at that exact time and God can guide us in that exact way.

How to be a global Christian without getting on a plane
The fact is, God has been seeking out the nations long before us. As you set your sights on the world, you’ll begin to discover his global desire throughout the pages of scripture.
Being Serious About the Gospel
Evangelism, by definition, is the proclamation of Good News. It has the gospel at the very center of its being. In the same way, Christian mission, as defined and understood biblically, has the gospel at its very heart. The mission of the church is the task which God sends His body into the world to…
A Resolute Failure
Refugees and Immigrants
D3 2016 Week 1 Missions Track Session 2
D3 2016 Week 1 Missions Track Session 1
2 Timothy 2:8-10
Renown 2016 Breakout – Wisdom and Calling to an Overseas Context
Renown 2016 Breakout – Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves
No teman: Desde ahora serán pescadores de hombres
El pastor Buddy Gray nos anima para que en todos nuestros estudios, en todo lo que hacemos, no perdamos de vista a Jesús. Que no seamos aquellos los cuales la gente esté impresionado por nuestra predicación o enseñanza, pero si por ser fieles la palabra y llevar la gente a Jesús. Por último animarnos a…
¿Qué nos hace gente de la Gran Comisión?
El rector del Seminario Teológico Bautista del Este nos recuerda cuales son esas marcas que nos identifican como un pueblo apasionado por la Gran Comisión. Available in English here.

Religious liberty and persecution: a global perspective
Our suffering brothers and sisters beckon us not to let the cost of following Christ in our culture silence our faith.

Why the Great Commission Isn’t Just for Missionaries
As the victorious and triumphant Lord, Christ sends his people out into the world. It is under the marching orders of King Jesus that we, as his ambassadors, take the gospel to the nations.

All of the church’s best leaders should move away. Here’s why.
The task of a pioneer missionary is not a fall-back option for those who can’t make it in the States.
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