
Your Eschatology Has Consequences

How you live now is correlated with how you believe God is working towards eternity.

Five Myths about the Church

The church needs a clear definition of its nature before it determines and actualizes its functions and activities.

Pastors Should Have Friends within Their Churches

Isolation and loneliness are common struggles for even the most extroverted pastors, and they remind us that those called to shepherd God’s flock need ministry too.

4 Ways to Make Church History Come Alive for Your Bible Study Group

If you’re someone who loves old books—because you love church history and want others to share your enthusiasm—group Bible study can seem like a balancing act between trying to be helpful on one hand and appearing prideful on the other.

Interview: 40 Questions on Pastoral Ministry with Phil Newton

I hope my journey’s biblical, theological, historical, and practical reflections will serve pastors for years to come.

Want to Know Your (Spiritual) Family’s History? Then Read What They Wrote

While we may grasp the need for running to Scripture as the source for our faith and practice, where are we looking for our family history?

William Carey’s Ministry a Story of Desire, Opportunity, and Gifting

Carey desired to see the nations reached with the gospel. His gifts were clear from an early age, and his opportunity came in time.

70 years at the same church: Valuable lessons from a persevering pastor

How easily younger ministers can assume that newer is better. Yet younger pastors need the perspective of those who’ve gone before us.

How to have ministry heroes without plagiarizing them

Scripture certainly gives warrant to have heroes, to study and emulate men and women of the faith whose lives are so marked by humble, courageous Christ-honoring character and grace-enabled skill in living the Christian life.