Our Witnesses in an Un-Christian World
The concept of Christian witness encapsulates the many ways in which God’s church is empowered by God’s Spirit to give testimony in the world about God’s redemption in Christ.
The concept of Christian witness encapsulates the many ways in which God’s church is empowered by God’s Spirit to give testimony in the world about God’s redemption in Christ.
This world can be a discouraging place. All Christians are called to encourage one another in the Lord, but pastors bear a unique responsibility to “care for the church of God.”
There are a few things that I’ve learned through the years that have helped me manage, befriend, encourage, and serve the Lord with my staff.
A church staff working together in harmony and loving one another for God’s glory is a crucial ingredient to a healthy church.
If an unbeliever were to attend a church service, it would most likely be at Christmas or Easter. How can we prepare our churches for an evangelistic harvest this Easter? Let me suggest five ways.
In this episode, Hershael York walks through how a church can go about planning a benevolence ministry. How does a church care for the needy well, and in a balanced fashion?
In this episode, Hershael York discusses the purpose and importance of a church body.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about the process of redemption and repentance within ministry.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about different church structures and what best suits a body of believers.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about the importance of practicing church discipline and how to get ahead of it.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about preaching the gospel while counseling non-christians that are preparing for marriage.
Having been born in the mid-1950s, Elizabeth II (1926–2022) is the only monarch I have ever had. And so, it is very strange to hear the time-hallowed refrain, “The Queen is dead. Long live the King!”
Let us pray — both privately and together and as brothers and sisters in the family of God!
Unlike the world and its character of sinfulness, the church is characterized by holiness.
We must be marked not merely by the courage to do battle when necessary but also the gentleness, wisdom, and endurance needed to win the peace.
Pastors are sinners dealing with sinners, so criticism is inevitable while ministering in a fallen world.
In our fallen world, sin knows no boundaries, sheep bite, wolves creep into churches, and life is hard.
Embracing the ordinary means of grace as a sufficient and comprehensive approach to ministry isn’t merely about coming to the right theological conclusions, it’s a matter of the heart.