
Opposition Is Coming, Pastor. How Will You Handle It?

The Holy Spirit works through the preaching of the Word to accomplish far more than a pastor will ever know, even in opposition.

Why I Left Ministry (Temporarily) to Learn More about It

During my time at SBTS, I’ve realized that I needed to leave ministry temporarily and give myself to studying the things of God full-time

Five Myths about the Church

The church needs a clear definition of its nature before it determines and actualizes its functions and activities.

Pastors Should Have Friends within Their Churches

Isolation and loneliness are common struggles for even the most extroverted pastors, and they remind us that those called to shepherd God’s flock need ministry too.

Young Pastor, Your Ministry Heroes May Be Right There in Your Church

We should all be Timothy and Paul. That is the Kingdom of God. Disciples making disciples and the faithful learning from the faithful.

10 Ways Pastors Can Foster a Love for Church Attendance within the Congregation

It requires patience to lead a congregation to see itself as body, family, temple, and bride—not an optional religious organization to make them feel better about themselves.

Churches Should Not Only Go, They Should Stay

Missionaries need more than sending churches. They need a host of staying churches who will remain spiritual mothers in the days, months, and years ahead.

6 Ways Confessions of Faith Promote Church Health

How should a local church use their confession of faith? Here are six ways a church might use a confession of faith.