
Five Pernicious Lies the Beatitudes Correct

An interview with author Chris Castaldo about The Upside Down Kingdom: Wisdom for Life from the Beatitudes

Who Are the Sons of God, Daughters of Man, and Nephilim?

In Genesis 6:1–4, the reader encounters one of the most challenging passages in all of Scripture to interpret.

Politics For Discipleship: How A Southern Seminary Professor Is Recovering Baptist Political Theology

Throughout its rich history, Southern Seminary has recognized the growing importance of cultivating a unique political theology for Baptists—one that synthesizes Baptist convictions with their roles as active citizens.

The Prayer Life of a Seminary Student

Your time in seminary will affect your practice of prayer.

10 Tips for Preaching Students

As a new semester begins at Bible colleges and seminaries, many students look forward to taking their first preaching course.

Bookstore Events: Tyler Flatt | “Thinking about Reading”

Tyler Flatt discusses how to get more out of reading.

Four Ways to Start the Semester Spiritually Strong

If you’ve taken Personal Spiritual Disciplines with me, you can probably guess much of what you are about to read here—or at least I hope you can. But even if you have taken the class, I hope you’ll find these brief reminders helpful.

Episode 69: Having Heroes in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about navigating the line of mentorship within ministry.

Episode 68: When is a Child Ready to Be Baptized?

In this episode, Hershael York talks through salvation and baptism readiness for children.

Episode 67: Is Expository Preaching the Only Way to Preach?

In this episode, Hershael York talks through the different types of preaching and the importance of each type.

Episode 66: Relocating Family Due to a Ministry Calling

In this episode, Hershael York talks through the different types of preaching and the importance of each type.

Episode 65: Hiring Church Staff Members

In this episode, Hershael York walks through how to add and choose the right staff for your church.

Episode 64: How to Maintain a Healthy Marriage While in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York walks through how to be a husband that cares for his wife while balancing the responsibility of being a church leader.

Episode 63: How to Treat Church Staff Members Well

In this episode, Hershael York walks through how to care for church staff members, and learn to delegate well.

Episode 62: How to Minister to those Struggling with Same Sex Attraction

In this episode, Hershael York talks about how to minister to people with same sex attraction in your church.

Episode 61: How to Stay Positive in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about ways to stay positive within a ministry role.

Episode 60: How to Care for the Needy

In this episode, Hershael York walks through how a church can go about planning a benevolence ministry. How does a church care for the needy well, and in a balanced fashion?

Episode 59: How to Respond When You Disappoint Others

In this episode, Hershael York talks about how leaders and pastors need to be honest about their mistakes and shortcomings.