How Does Biblical Theology Impact Preaching?
When we preach from the scriptures, we need to pay attention to where we are in the biblical story.
When we preach from the scriptures, we need to pay attention to where we are in the biblical story.
If these points seem obvious, it’s because they became so dominant in Puritanism and many of us are downstream from the tradition.
Sermon preparation is hard work, but the word of God and the fruit God produces through the preaching of his word are worthy of that labor invested in it.
Pastors today have access to countless resources and commentaries to help aid in their preparation, but that raises the question how should a pastor use a commentary?
I know it sounds odd to say that I enjoy funerals more than weddings, but I do, because people are dialed in.
As a new semester begins at Bible colleges and seminaries, many students look forward to taking their first preaching course.
In this episode, Hershael York talks through the different types of preaching and the importance of each type.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about how reading books broadens your mind and your heart.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about how pastors in various circumstances can best prepare for sermons while using the time they have efficiently.
In this episode, Hershael York talks about how to incorporate a gospel invitation into each sermon without manipulating a congregation.
The God of Edwards was not a tyrant or unfair. But he is holy. And thankfully, he is slow to anger.
In this episode, Hershael York explains how a pastor should approach second and third tier theological issues from the pulpit.
Puritans weren’t content merely to defend doctrine from the pulpit; they sought to apply truth in the pews by engaging the hearts of their hearers.
The common thread from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries was the faithful, clear, passionate preaching of God’s Word combined with holding fast to the doctrine of justification by faith alone.
Jonathan T. Pennington discusses his new book, Small Preaching: 25 Little Things You Can Do Now to Make You a Better Preacher.
Feelings and facts work together because our feelings, when properly ordered, perfectly align with truth.
God communicated to us through a book, through the written word, and, therefore, he expects us to read.
The Holy Spirit works through the preaching of the Word to accomplish far more than a pastor will ever know, even in opposition.