Popular Culture

4 Things to Know about Reaching Gen Z with the Gospel

As we seek to reach this generation for Christ and partner with them for Kingdom-focused work, we must recognize some of the defining characteristics of this generation and how God might use them in the Great Commission

The Transgender Revolution as a Happiness Crisis

With the transgender revolution, we’re not just facing the rejection of God’s blueprint for sexuality—we’re facing a crisis in God’s blueprint for happiness.

Religious Nationalism is a Problem for the Right and Left

We do not have to look far for examples of Christian nationalism emanating from the right. But equally troubling is the secular nationalism and state-driven civil religion that’s emerging from the left.

Author Interviews – John D. Wilsey “God’s Cold Warrior”

John D. Wilsey “God’s Cold Warrior”

10 Things You Should Know about St. Nicholas

Although Nicholas is one of the most popular saints in the history of the church, there is next to no historically verifiable evidence regarding his life!

What Does the Death of Cultural Christianity Cost?

To lament the decline of cultural Christianity is to lament not simply the loss of a Christian consensus, but the loss of the social capital born of common grace that secular society was borrowing from.

Does pop culture fit into the cultural mandate?

God did not just make humans who could make culture. God specifically says that humans should make culture to reflect him as Creator.

The Portrayal of Fathers in Popular Media

At best, television dads are nominal or figurehead leaders of the home, but at worst, they are relegated to the intellectual level of the family pet.