
Religious liberty and persecution: a global perspective

Our suffering brothers and sisters beckon us not to let the cost of following Christ in our culture silence our faith.

3 ways to encourage your weary, faithful pastor

Your pastor doesn’t need flattery, but he does need genuine, biblical encouragement that helps him keep his hands to the plow.

Politics, religious liberty, and the Christian

Apathy and ignorance about politics are not a Christian virtues.

Islam and ethnic identity

If Christians are to understand their Muslim neighbors (locally and globally) and share with them effectively, it is necessary that we grasp how they understand themselves.

Five reasons to plant your life in a church and stay there

The longer you live in community with people, the more credibility you will have—unless you simply don’t earn and have credibility.

How not to read the Bible in 2018

January 1 is a new start when it comes to daily Bible reading, here are five suggestions for what not to do in 2018.

It’s not about you: leading worship and loving others

You don’t want to be the sort of worship leader who makes yourself the central reference point in every situation. As a worship leader or worship pastor, you must look past yourself and remember that you serve Christ and his church.

Friendly fire in the church

When Christians default to sinful assaults on other believers, the glory of Christ is dismantled and everyone gets hit.

‘God plus’ or bust; lose the incarnation, lose it all

The doctrine of the Incarnation isn’t a hot topic in the circles I run in. I’ve seen little ink spilled over it. The mission of the church, the place of penal substitution, the role of women in ministry, and the legitimacy of multi-site? Sure. But not the Incarnation and two natures of Jesus. That’s why…

How to teach your church to fear the Lord

The biblical call to “fear the Lord,” means much more than our term for respect.

When should pastors speak about cultural issues?

If Christian morality is universally true, then all persons are accountable to it.

Why seminary can never qualify anyone for ministry

That is why ordination, taken seriously and done rightly, should mean much more than any seminary degree.

How to train parents to disciple their kids

If we want our family ministries to be effective, we need to involve parents.

What Martin Luther taught me about counseling

If Luther was correct, then the Christian life is the repentant life. And repentance is essential for biblical counseling.