
If you want your church to be more like Christ, preach the gospel

Preach Christ in all of Scripture, because only by seeing him will we become like him — the purpose for which we were created and redeemed.

5 reasons a shrinking church may be a good thing

Not all church decline is bad.

Two Scripture passages every pastor needs today (and every day)

Pastor, meditate on these texts to nourish your faithfulness and silence your anxiety.

Spurgeon’s advice for suffering Christians

When experiencing trials, Charles Spurgeon made a point to cling to God’s promises.

Church planting probably won’t make you famous

If you go into church planting looking for fame or adventure, you probably won’t find either.

How to prepare your church for an active shooter

Hopefully we will never need these guidelines, but our churches must be prepared for the worst case scenarios.

Every leader needs this kind of friend

3 marks of true Christian friendship

Six things new church members need to know

Every time I teach a church membership class, I try to answer these six questions guests and new members often have.