The Who, What, How, and When of 1 Pet 3:19
Who or what are the spirits to whom Jesus preached? What did Jesus preach? What does Peter mean by preaching? How did Jesus preach, and when did Jesus preach?
Who or what are the spirits to whom Jesus preached? What did Jesus preach? What does Peter mean by preaching? How did Jesus preach, and when did Jesus preach?
When we preach from the scriptures, we need to pay attention to where we are in the biblical story.
The coherent and progressive nature of biblical revelation will enable readers to trace biblical themes and teachings, to notice development of earlier texts and concepts, and to situate the passage in question within the redemptive-historical arc of Scripture.
In answering these questions, we have to remember that the reality of human sleep is not a new, recent, or modern phenomenon. It can actually trace its origins all the way back to the very beginning of scripture.
Who will escape the wrath of God at the final judgment? Only those who belong to God, those who are sealed by him, who are numbered by him.
As modern Western believers, we should be aware of the supernatural realm that exists around us. Yet just the same, as Christians we must always put these spiritual realities into their proper context in terms of our theology of God.
James M. Hamilton discusses his new book Typology – Understanding the Bible’s Promise-Shaped Patterns.
Author Interview
John proclaims the Word as God, through whom the world was made, in whom is life, and who is unquenchable light.
Revelation reveals to us where the world is going, and it tells us what we should do to be part of the new world that is coming.
Shocking words. Words that may strike us as harsh on the surface. But what did he mean?
Author Interview
The Scriptures open in Genesis with God as the sovereign King creating the world and everything in it.
If dreams are valid today, they must be coupled with gospel proclamation. Any replacement of the gospel with dreams undermines the very economy of salvation God has revealed in Scripture.
The answer requires nuance, a full look at Scripture, and especially attention to the changes between the old covenant and the new.
God was on the throne of the universe, controlling all things by His meticulous providence during the Holocaust, 9/11 and every other event in human history.
Allison’s new book with Andreas J. Kostenberger examines the Holy Spirit from the perspective of both biblical and systematic theology.
Just as Saul had recourse against the evil spirit through the anointed David, the believer has recourse against indwelling sin through God’s Word and prayer.