Call to Ministry

Young Pastor, Your Ministry Heroes May Be Right There in Your Church

We should all be Timothy and Paul. That is the Kingdom of God. Disciples making disciples and the faithful learning from the faithful.

Are You a Church Revitalizer?

Discerning God’s call is often a difficult, and prayer-filled, endeavor.

Episode 35: Steve Gaines discusses Adrian Rogers and the SBC presidency.

Dr. York sits down with Steve Gaines (senior pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, TN) to discuss Adrian Rogers and the SBC presidency.

Episode 21: Trillia Newbell on equipping women & pursuing diversity in the Church

Dr. York sits down with Trillia Newbell (author, Director of Community Outreach at the ERLC) to discuss training/equipping women & pursuing diversity in the Church.

Episode 15: The Mohlers on marriage, ministry, and SBTS

In this LIVE episode of Pastor Well, Hershael York sits down with Dr. & Mrs. R. Albert Mohler to discuss marriage, ministry, and SBTS.

Are you called to ministry?

God does call ministers, and presents these servants as gifts to the Church.

Does my church have to confirm my call to ministry?

It’s not like the internal call comes from God and the external comes from man. No, God works through people in both cases.

Five terrible reasons to become a pastor

I’ve seen too many people in vocational ministry fail to launch.

Should I go to seminary?

Wouldn’t it be easier just to stay put and read a little more?

7 tips for beginning seminary later in life

Those of us in the West with the resources and time to attend seminary should be grateful and be willing to use this privilege, not to serve ourselves, but to serve others.