
In Defense of an Expositional Student Ministry

Student ministries that fail to disciple students in Scripture shouldn’t be surprised when the world has discipled them away from the faith in young adult years.

5 Puritan Prescriptions for Gospel-Centered Preaching

Puritans weren’t content merely to defend doctrine from the pulpit; they sought to apply truth in the pews by engaging the hearts of their hearers.

The Importance of Corporate Prayer

Let us pray — both privately and together and as brothers and sisters in the family of God!

What is The Divine Council?

As modern Western believers, we should be aware of the supernatural realm that exists around us. Yet just the same, as Christians we must always put these spiritual realities into their proper context in terms of our theology of God.

The Sinful Roots of Anger

If we describe our anger merely as sin, we will not gain the insight necessary for overcoming it.

Nine Guidelines for Counseling Suicidal People

While you can’t solve all the problems a suicidal person faces, you can pleadingly and prayerfully point him to the One who can, and you can commit to walking with him through his struggles.

The Transgender Revolution as a Happiness Crisis

With the transgender revolution, we’re not just facing the rejection of God’s blueprint for sexuality—we’re facing a crisis in God’s blueprint for happiness.

The Church’s Mere Identity

Unlike the world and its character of sinfulness, the church is characterized by holiness.

The Priestly Ministry of Peacemaking

We must be marked not merely by the courage to do battle when necessary but also the gentleness, wisdom, and endurance needed to win the peace.

The Gospel and the Natural Law

The natural law is an essential pillar in a Christian ethic that hopes to be faithful to the gospel in its public witness.

Author Interviews – Jeremy Pierre | “God With Us”

Jeremy Pierre | “God With Us”

Could Christ Have Sinned?

What made it impossible for him to sin was not his divine nature as an acting agent, but the fact that he is the Son, in relation to the Father and Spirit, and as the Son, he speaks, acts, and chooses, gladly and willingly, to obey his Father in all things.

You’re a Pastor, Not a Therapist

A pastor’s job is not to dismiss personal experience, but rather to help people see it differently—specifically, to see it according to who God is and the chief purpose of his design for human life.

Religious Nationalism is a Problem for the Right and Left

We do not have to look far for examples of Christian nationalism emanating from the right. But equally troubling is the secular nationalism and state-driven civil religion that’s emerging from the left.

Do the Gospels Borrow from Pagan Myths?

Connections between pagan practices and later patterns in Christian worship or holiday celebrations may be interesting—but these links have nothing to do with whether New Testament accounts of the life of Jesus are historically accurate.

How Should a Pastor Handle Criticism? This Book Gives Excellent Advice

Pastors are sinners dealing with sinners, so criticism is inevitable while ministering in a fallen world.

Author Interviews – John D. Wilsey “God’s Cold Warrior”

John D. Wilsey “God’s Cold Warrior”

Fred Sanders: A Comparative and Constructive Confession of Union with Christ (Norton Lecture 3/3)