
The church’s role in racial reconciliation: a sermon by Martin Luther King Jr.

“Segregation is a moral evil which no Christian can accept. The church must make it clear that if we are to be true witnesses of Jesus Christ, we can no longer give our allegiance to a system of segregation.”

Does my church have to confirm my call to ministry?

It’s not like the internal call comes from God and the external comes from man. No, God works through people in both cases.

6 reasons every Christian should study theology

Each doctrine revealed in the Word of God is true. Each has been revealed that it might be believed. We cannot therefore omit any one.

The Bible doesn’t ignore spiritual warfare, and you shouldn’t either

A supernatural gospel is not just for frontline missionaries.

Church membership isn’t just biblical. It’s beautiful.

To belong to a community is to be at its disposal, to have given over all you have to be used for whatever your community needs.

5 attitudes every new pastor needs

Nothing in seminary can quite get the young pastor completely ready for everything he will face in his first year.

Most-read resources of 2017

From Bible memory to world missions, here are the most-viewed resources from Southern Equip this year.

Why Christ’s birth was an act of war

Christmas is not just about baby Jesus. It’s about the warrior-king Jesus, coming to redeem his people.

31 questions to ask for a more Christ-centered 2018

Use these questions as a tool to craft more intentional New Year’s resolutions.

5 things your kids need to know about death

Our kids need to be prepared—in age-appropriate ways—for life in a world captive to sin and death.

3 reasons to not skip the “boring” parts of the Bible

There are no unimportant words in Scripture. So let us delight in them and preach them all.

Why you need Advent more than you realize

The waiting of Advent is actually good for us and is molding us into the likeness of Christ.

3 strategies for preaching on holidays

Should I pause my expository preaching on holidays?

If you want your church to be more like Christ, preach the gospel

Preach Christ in all of Scripture, because only by seeing him will we become like him — the purpose for which we were created and redeemed.

5 reasons a shrinking church may be a good thing

Not all church decline is bad.

Two Scripture passages every pastor needs today (and every day)

Pastor, meditate on these texts to nourish your faithfulness and silence your anxiety.

Sojourners and Exiles Living in a Foreign and Hostile Land: An Overview Sermon of 1 Peter

As long as we have breath, let us encourage one another to rest in the salvation God has accomplished for us in Jesus.

Spurgeon’s advice for suffering Christians

When experiencing trials, Charles Spurgeon made a point to cling to God’s promises.