
The lost spiritual discipline pastors desperately need

This pursuit of silence takes the care of your soul to another level, for it exposes how much you need noise, people, busyness, and distraction.

Where Was God on September 11, 2001?

God was on the throne of the universe, controlling all things by His meticulous providence during the Holocaust, 9/11 and every other event in human history.

The ministry goal no one talks about

I seriously doubt that I will ever see someone else complete the exposition of the New Testament in such a thorough way to one local church ever again. But I hope you’d consider making it your goal.

Author Interview: Gregg Allison explains why the Holy Spirit is sometimes (wrongly) viewed as the JV member of the Godhead

Allison’s new book with Andreas J. Kostenberger examines the Holy Spirit from the perspective of both biblical and systematic theology.

Why did God send an evil spirit to tempt Saul?

Just as Saul had recourse against the evil spirit through the anointed David, the believer has recourse against indwelling sin through God’s Word and prayer.

5 ways elders should shepherd one another

Who will pastor the pastors? Who helps the pastors maintain steadiness in walking with Christ? Who sharpens them when dulled? Who cares for them when hurting?

Pastor, are you known by the Spirit’s fruit?

Aaron’s book is one of those rare books that bears revisiting. Why? Because as a pastor—as a Christian—I need to be reminded that fruit-bearing is not optional; it’s at the heart of maturity and growth as a minister of the gospel.

Pastor, beware of subtle self-promotion

There is far more at stake with the issue of self-promotion than whether you should use postcards or social media to tell people about your ministry. A heart bent on self-promotion will keep a person from believing in Jesus for salvation.

Pastor, take the long view of ministry and persevere in plodding

Ministry is plodding. Sometimes it’s falling forward. Sometimes your feet feel so heavy, you don’t think you can go another step. You just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

3 ways misguided biblical theology leads to misguided sermons

Faithful sermons exposit the text, and faithful exposition takes into account the text’s literary, historical, covenantal, and ultimately canonical context.

Hang in there pastor, change comes slowly

It’s tempting to think God, who created all things so quickly, might lead us through tribulation with greater haste. But he doesn’t. God tends to work slowly, then and now.

10 reasons your church members are so ornery amid the pandemic

If you sense your church members are getting a bit ornery, you are probably right. Indeed, you as a church leader may be struggling with some of these same issues.

Pastor, is church planting for you?

Our personalities, aptitudes, dispositions, and so forth will shape the how but not the what of our ministries. We are to “fulfill our ministry” regardless of the inner characteristics God knit into the fabric of who we are.

I’m grateful J. I. Packer wrote theology for the church

Dr. Packer is now safe in the arms of his dear Savior, but what the writer of Hebrews says of Abel’s legacy of faith will be true of Packer for years to come: “though he died, he still speaks.”

Don’t look for community in the church. Be the community.

True community is never found by looking for it. It can only be found by pursuing Christ. He understands loneliness better than we do.

What’s the difference between interpreting the Bible and praying the Bible?

When praying the Bible, our primary activity is prayer, not Bible intake. Bible reading is secondary in this process. Our focus is on God through prayer; our glance is at the Bible.

Pastor, teach your church theological triage

Pastor, help your people see when it’s time to go to war and when it’s time for diplomacy.

Six things you inherit when you pastor an established church

Considerate pastors understand what they are inheriting before people stop introducing them as the “new pastor.”