Travis Hearne
SBTS News Writer

Travis Hearne (M.Div., SBTS) is a PhD Student at SBTS and Pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Campbellsburg, Ky. He has been married to Jordan since December 2018 and they have two sons, Dawson and Lewis.

Skull of Thomas Aquinas Makes Historic Stop in Louisville: What Should Evangelicals Think?

The recent circulation of the head of Thomas Aquinas—albeit one of the most significant theologians of the medieval era—is a sad holdover from the medieval world that our Reformation forbears rightly rejected in toto.

How to Engage the Culture Like the Earliest Christians

Church History professor Stephen Presley sat down with Jonathan Pennington at the Bookstore at Southern to discuss his recent book Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World like the Early Church.

3 Big Questions on Protestants and Natural Law

Rightly understood, natural law can explain how general and special revelation support one another. But sometimes theologians appeal to natural law at the expense of Scripture.

12 Unexpected Ways the Kentucky Baptist Convention Changed (and Currently Changes) My Life

I recognized how Baptist associations have stood behind all the major ministry roles I’ve undertaken in one way or another. Here is a snapshot of twelve ways the Kentucky Baptist Convention and affiliated local associations, have blessed me:

The Spirit and Flesh of James P. Boyce: A History of the Library at Southern Seminary

On my first visit to Southern Seminary, I thought, “This library is worn.” The floors were worn. The desks were worn. The books were worn. The campus, professors, and legacy were top notch, but the library . . . underwhelming. My perspective has since changed. If I had voiced my impression of a worn library to James Petigru Boyce he would have responded, “Yes, as it should be.” Tattered floors and desks revealed that the faithful and educated ministers Boyce envisioned to lead Southern Baptists shared his convictions.

Singing a New Song: A Country Star’s Journey from Suffering to Ministry

When you hear my name, I want you to think, “Granger Smith? Oh, I’ve heard of him. What a great Savior we have in Jesus!”

Politics For Discipleship: How A Southern Seminary Professor Is Recovering Baptist Political Theology

Throughout its rich history, Southern Seminary has recognized the growing importance of cultivating a unique political theology for Baptists—one that synthesizes Baptist convictions with their roles as active citizens.

Kitchens, SBTS Alum, Promoted to Air Force Chief of Chaplains

Kitchens will lead the Department of the Air Force Chaplain Corps—consisting of 2,200 active and reserve chaplains and religious affairs airmen.

How the Manger Mocks Death

Christ’s treading over death turned the once feared enemy into an object of jeering. As Christ rose from the dead, so every dying believer, in their resurrection, proclaims his overwhelming victory.

Getting America’s Most Famous (Or Infamous) Sermon Right

The God of Edwards was not a tyrant or unfair. But he is holy. And thankfully, he is slow to anger.

The Transgender Revolution as a Happiness Crisis

With the transgender revolution, we’re not just facing the rejection of God’s blueprint for sexuality—we’re facing a crisis in God’s blueprint for happiness.

Do Facts Care about Your Feelings?

Feelings and facts work together because our feelings, when properly ordered, perfectly align with truth.

Why Every Theologian Should Be a Good Historian

With one foot in systematic theology and the other in church history, historical theology can be the bridge to take our study of God to the past or our study of the past to God.

Making Theological Education Accessible

Distance students can now get degrees online in seven different areas from biblical counseling to worship.

Resilient In a Time of Crisis

SBTS not only coped with the pandemic, but thrived financially and numerically.

Study Theology Knowing You’ll Never Plumb the Depths of God

If we ever appear to have exhausted our knowledge of God, we’ve certainly committed idolatry because we’re no longer talking about God.

Luther’s Dying Words are True: We are Beggars.

We’re beggars because the words of man will never fill our spiritual appetite. We need food from heaven. We need to hear from God.

Your Eschatology Has Consequences

How you live now is correlated with how you believe God is working towards eternity.