Don Whitney argues that “Many Christians look on the Spiritual Discipline of memorizing God’s Word as something tantamount to modern-day martyrdom.” (Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, 41). We live in an undisciplined age, and many people shy away from anything involving discipline. I would like to explain why Scripture Memory is vital for our Christian life and growth and give some practical guidelines for memorizing verses.

Why Memorize Scripture?

There are a multitude of reasons why we should hide God’s Word in our mind and heart. Hiding God’s Word in our heart is commanded (Colossians 3:16). Scripture Memory helps keep us from sin (Psalm 119:9-11). It transforms our entire way of thinking (Romans 12:1-2). Scripture Memory helps us respond to difficulties in an appropriate manner (James 1:2-4). God uses Scripture to guide us (Psalm 119:105). Memorization helps fuel meditation on God’s Word (Joshua 1:8). Scripture fills us with hope (Romans 15:4). Our Lord Jesus Christ serves as a great example for us in Scripture Memory. We see in the temptation account found in Matthew 4:1-11 that Jesus quoted the following verses from memory: Deuteronomy 8:3; 6:16; and 6:13.

In my personal evangelism classes, I require the students to memorize forty key verses related to the gospel message. Why? Knowing those verses not only help fuel our desire to witness, they provide the ability to share the gospel with others anytime, anywhere. A student who took my class over two decades ago flew to the West Coast shortly after graduation. He was seated next to a businessman and they began to talk. When the businessman found out Steve was a pastor, he exclaimed, “I have just started reading the Bible and I have lots of questions. How cool is it that I end up sitting next to you!” Steve thought to himself, “Yes, that’s cool, but unfortunately my Bible is in my suitcase in the cargo hold of the plane.” But then Steve remembered the verses he had memorized for class. He told me later, “I couldn’t remember one of the verses, but I was able to use the other thirty-nine to share the gospel clearly with this man.”

How to Memorize Scripture

The starting point is to have a plan. Develop a list of verses to memorize. The Navigators’ “Topical Memory System” is a great starting point. You can add in other verses from your own Bible reading, or as you hear helpful verses preached or taught. Linked to this article is the list of forty verses I recommend to memorize for evangelism. Have a plan or else you will demonstrate the truth of the adage, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.”

You can write out the verses on small cards that fit into Scripture Memory packs or on index cards you can carry in your pocket. There are several helpful apps that will populate verse cards for you and make it easy for you to memorize and review from your cell phone, tablet, or laptop. I like “Bible Memory App” but a Google search will lead you to several options.

Memorize by working on one phrase at a time. As you memorize, practice saying the scriptural reference “before and after” the actual verse (i.e. “Romans 3:23. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23”). When you memorize the reference along with the verse it helps in remembering it and sharing it with others.

Some good times to memorize and review are while riding, waiting, brushing your teeth, and exercising. My wife Sharon memorizes entire chapters and even books of the Bible while walking on the treadmill (I just focus on surviving). How often each day do we check our cell phones for emails, text messages, or social media posts? What if we got in the habit of a few times a day checking our phone to memorize/review verses?

Once you have a verse memorized, review it regularly. Most Bible memory apps have a review feature built in so as you are learning new verses you can review ones you have already memorized. Recite each new verse several times daily. Review each recently memorized verse every day for 6-8 weeks. That firmly plants the verse in your mind. Then go over all your verses at least once a month and you will keep them fresh for ready recall. As you memorize and meditate, seek to apply the verse’s teaching to your own life (Ezra 7:10) and then share it with others!





Psalms 19:1
Revelation 4:11
Matthew 22:37-38
Leviticus 19:2


Isaiah 59:2
Isaiah 53:6
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
Hebrews 9:27
Matthew 10:28


John 3:16
Luke 19:10
Romans 5:8
1 Peter 2:24
Isaiah 53:5
1 Peter 3:18
2 Corinthians 5:21
John 3:36


John 3:3
John 1:12
Acts 16:31
Romans 10:9
Romans 10:13
Matthew 11:28
John 14:6
Acts 4:12
Luke 13:3
Isaiah 55:7
1 John 1:9
Isaiah 1:18
2 Corinthians 6:2
Revelation 3:20
Ephesians 2:8-9


John 10:10
John 6:37
1 John 5:12-13
Romans 8:16
John 5:24
2 Corinthians 5:17
2 Timothy 1:12