Timothy K. Beougher headshot

Timothy K. Beougher
Associate Dean, Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism and Ministry; Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth

Faculty Bio

Evangelism in Action

The Importance of Scripture Memory in the Christian Life

I would like to explain why Scripture Memory is vital for our Christian life and growth and give some practical guidelines for memorizing verses.

Evangelism as a Way of Life

If you live a committed Christian life but never share the gospel verbally, then how does your non-Christian neighbor know the source of your hope? And conversely, if you communicate the gospel verbally but are a complete jerk in the process, then those words of eternal life may well fall on deaf ears.

How Can Your Church Use Easter for Evangelism?

If an unbeliever were to attend a church service, it would most likely be at Christmas or Easter. How can we prepare our churches for an evangelistic harvest this Easter? Let me suggest five ways.

You Don’t Have To Be an Expert to Share the Gospel

Lost people are born again not because of impeccable argumentation but by the will and power of God working through the verbal witness

Can I Get a Witness?

The Greatest Thing in the World

Keep the Main Thing in View: New Book Helps Us Share the Gospel with Compassion and Conviction

Every solid book on evangelism is a welcomed addition to the table, but Invitation is particularly helpful because it provides both theory and practice.

Author Interviews – Timothy Beougher “Invitation to Evangelism”

A conversation with Timothy Beougher about his new book, “Invitation To Evangelism: Sharing The Gospel With Conviction And Compassion”

Acts 4:1-12

9 truths you need for better evangelism

Depend on the Holy Spirit to empower you and to convict the lost person. Remember your role and God’s role.

Effective Witnessing

Church Revitalization begins with Personal Revitalization

And as we identify critical issues we must apply biblical wisdom to address them. But, before we begin with the corporate we should begin with ourselves – with our own hearts.

7 things every Christian can learn from Billy Graham

Professor Timothy K. Beougher explains what every pastor should learn from the life of Billy Graham.

10 ways to foster personal evangelism in the local church

A how-to for pastors and church leaders

7 things every Christian can learn from Billy Graham

These observations are not about the vast numerical impact of his evangelistic ministry (such as preaching to over 200 million people), but about his on-going legacy from which we can draw inspiration in our own lives and ministries today.

Are gospel tracts effective?

Gospel booklets are one of the many tools we can use for evangelism.

How do I overcome my fear of evangelism?

Fear forces us to depend on the Lord, and in that case, fear can be a very helpful thing.