
The Importance of Scripture Memory in the Christian Life

I would like to explain why Scripture Memory is vital for our Christian life and growth and give some practical guidelines for memorizing verses.

I’m a Christian teenager. What do I say to my LGBT-identifying friends?

Whether at a public school or in a workplace, we must equip teenagers to love their LGBT-identifying friends without sacrificing the truth.

4 Things to Know about Reaching Gen Z with the Gospel

As we seek to reach this generation for Christ and partner with them for Kingdom-focused work, we must recognize some of the defining characteristics of this generation and how God might use them in the Great Commission

The Who, What, How, and When of 1 Pet 3:19

Who or what are the spirits to whom Jesus preached? What did Jesus preach? What does Peter mean by preaching? How did Jesus preach, and when did Jesus preach?

How to Engage the Culture Like the Earliest Christians

Church History professor Stephen Presley sat down with Jonathan Pennington at the Bookstore at Southern to discuss his recent book Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World like the Early Church.

Bookstore Event | Flourishing in the Early Church and Today: A Conversation with Stephen Presley

How Pastors Can Glorify Christ, Every Way

Packer’s parting message to the church is a call to action and a profound challenge and responsibility for her shepherds.

How Can a Counselor Glorify Christ in Every Way?

Through the Word exemplified in our lives, and proclaimed through our lips, biblical counselors seek to help counselees be transformed into the image of Jesus.

Glorify Christ in Everything… Including Singing!

Drawing upon the Lord’s good gifts, Christian singing combines glorious truth, passionate melody, and unifying rhythm.

How Can I Treat Church Staff Well?

There are a few things that I’ve learned through the years that have helped me manage, befriend, encourage, and serve the Lord with my staff.

The Importance of Self-Leadership

Leaders must care for the spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, intellectual, and practical dimensions of their lives—not only for their own spiritual and personal flourishing but also for the flourishing of those around them.

How to Handle Church Staff Conflict

A church staff working together in harmony and loving one another for God’s glory is a crucial ingredient to a healthy church.

3 Big Questions on Protestants and Natural Law

Rightly understood, natural law can explain how general and special revelation support one another. But sometimes theologians appeal to natural law at the expense of Scripture.

Bookstore Event | Panel Discussion on Natural Law

Panel Discussion on Natural Law Featuring Andrew Walker’s New Book Faithful Reason.

How Does Biblical Theology Impact Preaching?

When we preach from the scriptures, we need to pay attention to where we are in the biblical story.

So, Seriously, What Is Biblical Theology?

The coherent and progressive nature of biblical revelation will enable readers to trace biblical themes and teachings, to notice development of earlier texts and concepts, and to situate the passage in question within the redemptive-historical arc of Scripture.

Why Covenant Theology Matters for Baptists Today

To defend our views on regenerate membership, congregational polity, and religious liberty, we can look back at our rich tradition and learn from how Baptists in the past articulated these views based upon a distinct covenant theology.

Bringing Light to Darkness: How the Jenkins Center Equips Christians to Love Their Muslim Neighbors

Since its founding, the Jenkins Center has provided and produced resources to help Christians boldly, respectfully, and relevantly proclaim the gospel to Muslims.