
Elizabeth the Faithful: A Brief Reflection on the Queen

Having been born in the mid-1950s, Elizabeth II (1926–2022) is the only monarch I have ever had. And so, it is very strange to hear the time-hallowed refrain, “The Queen is dead. Long live the King!”

Episode 23: Nancy Guthrie on grief, biblical theology, and women in the church.

Dr. York sits down with Nancy Guthrie (author, theologian, Bible teacher) to discuss grief, biblical theology, and women in the church.

Episode 21: Trillia Newbell on equipping women & pursuing diversity in the Church

Dr. York sits down with Trillia Newbell (author, Director of Community Outreach at the ERLC) to discuss training/equipping women & pursuing diversity in the Church.

5 tips every wife and mother in ministry needs

How would your stressed-out, stretched-too-thin life look if you sought to balance marriage, motherhood, and ministry biblically?

How to pastor women (without making them uncomfortable)

In the #MeToo Era, many pastors live as though God will not hold them accountable for the souls of women in their church.

2 lies every pastor’s wife needs to stop believing

Ministry wives, you’re going to make mistakes, but the perfect and holy God provides his strength through my weaknesses, which far outweighs any pastor’s-wife-concocted perfection or friendship scheme that I can devise.