1 Corinthians 13
Are you pursuing love? In whatever else you’re pursuing, are you pursuing love?
Are you pursuing love? In whatever else you’re pursuing, are you pursuing love?
Assurance of salvation only comes through repentance over a long period of time.
For the Christian, death is a homecoming, not an event to be feared.
The Bible is not just a book for Christians, it is the singular revealed word of God.
When people visit a church they’re going to decide within the first 10 minutes whether or not they’ll ever come back.
Jesus’s glory will not fade. Spend your life glorifying him, not yourself.
Defending the Christian faith is not for the weak or the lazy. It’s for the brave.
God calls upon each one of us to be generous, sacrificial givers. He tells us that will increase your joy.
Every Christian is called to be a witness. No matter the stakes, no matter the pressure, God’s people must speak God’s word.
The gospel is displayed in unique and exclusive ways in our suffering and hardship.
When churches are placed in communities that are multi-ethnic, they should not be content with mono-ethnicity. Jesus died for every tribe, tongue, and nation, and some of those tribes are in our own community.
There is no true education when Jesus Christ is not recognized as the center of all learning.
Christians can disagree about secondary matters… and that’s okay.
Southern Seminary’s premier vocal ensemble performs “Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery.”
Three syllables is all you have to remember, read, pray, sing. Read the Bible, pray together and sing together.
Gospel booklets are one of the many tools we can use for evangelism.
What you’re attracted to is more influenced by the culture around you than you might realize.