Can We Love Theology More Than God?
In theology, we are seeking to grow in our knowledge of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is not merely abstract knowledge.
In theology, we are seeking to grow in our knowledge of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is not merely abstract knowledge.
So, does Scripture teach there are degrees of sin? The answer is, yes, but in making such an affirmation one can never relativize the serious nature of all sin
On the season 3 finale of Pastor Well, Dr. York sits down with Abraham Kuruvilla (author; professor of preaching and pastoral ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary; diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology) to discuss hermeneutics and the gift of singleness.
Dr. Packer is now safe in the arms of his dear Savior, but what the writer of Hebrews says of Abel’s legacy of faith will be true of Packer for years to come: “though he died, he still speaks.”
Pastor, help your people see when it’s time to go to war and when it’s time for diplomacy.
John of Damascus (676-749) is a model for how rich theology fuels Christian evangelism.
Confessions of faith should function as guardrails, not a straightjacket.
We all hold systems of theology that are prone to particular doctrinal deficiencies.
Denying the perseverance of the saints has absolutely devastating consequences.
Without Easter Sunday, Good Friday is just another Friday. It is Jesus’s resurrection that secured our resurrection (Col 2:12).
The Bible’s authentic textual history won’t be confirmed by sensational discoveries. It will be confirmed by patient study and analysis of the evidence.
You can trust everything the Bible says about the Christian life. But these nine are among those the Bible emphasizes most often.
To perceive God’s eternal power and divine nature and not respond with worship is to sinfully proclaim that God is unworthy — and nothing could be further from the truth.
Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism make historical claims, but none are as reliable as Christianity.
Apologetics is the reverent, reasonable, and humble defense — through our words and through our lives — of the hope we have in the risen Christ.
Nothing could be more dangerous than a theological seminary that is not clearly and explicitly and continually and always grounded in truth.
Wisdom from the past should be warmly embraced by Christians today.
What you and I need now more than ever is not fairness but forgiveness.