Does God Still Speak through Dreams? (Part 1)
The answer requires nuance, a full look at Scripture, and especially attention to the changes between the old covenant and the new.
The answer requires nuance, a full look at Scripture, and especially attention to the changes between the old covenant and the new.
Either he speaks, or we guess.
If you want to be trained, mature, and ready for the good works God’s prepared for you to do each day, learn his Word well—even when it feels like he’s talking to someone else.
One idea that has yielded dangerous consequences is the notion that the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), under the authority of Roman emperor Constantine, established the Christian biblical canon.
So, does Scripture teach there are degrees of sin? The answer is, yes, but in making such an affirmation one can never relativize the serious nature of all sin
God did not just make humans who could make culture. God specifically says that humans should make culture to reflect him as Creator.
I seriously doubt that I will ever see someone else complete the exposition of the New Testament in such a thorough way to one local church ever again. But I hope you’d consider making it your goal.
Can you be a Christian without believing the Bible? What about the reliability of the Bible—can we trust it? Timothy Paul Jones answers these and other popular and vital questions about the Word of God.
A conversation with Timothy Paul Jones about his new book, “Why Should I Trust The Bible?”
Thomas R. Schreiner discusses his latest book “Handbook on Acts and Paul’s Letters”
R. Albert Mohler Jr. discusses his newest book “Acts 13-28 For You” on mapping the explosive multiplying of the church
The Bible is a beautiful, unique text, and its story informs ours.
5 steps to using Greek and Hebrew in your sermons (without boring your church)
The errors that Luther countered in 1517 and throughout the Reformation have persisted even into our own day.
The Bible is not just a book for Christians, it is the singular revealed word of God.
Genesis 39:9 Joseph, being tempted by Potiphar’s wife: “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” Jones: What kept Joseph from sin? “How could I do such a wicked thing and…”? Contract an STI? Risk an unwanted pregnancy? Jeopardize my seminary status or my marriage or my church ministry? Disappoint my…
Christians can disagree about secondary matters… and that’s okay.