
5 moves to integrate theology into your ministry

If you want a church to be saturated with truth, then stay there and walk through life with them.

How repentance leads to Christ-centered joy

It is not enough to go to God with broad generalizations about our sin. Our repentance should be specific, biblically named, and personally owned.

Three Christian misconceptions about Muslims

We must view Muslims with charity, refusing to pigeonhole them. We live in a world of stereotypes, but love can overcome what political correctness can’t.

Three Muslim misconceptions about Christians

Many obstacles stand in the way of Muslims coming to faith in Jesus—theological confusion and the cost of conversion being two of the most daunting.

Filipenses 1:27-30

El Pastor Ben Stuart nos recuerda que uno de los regalos mas valiosos a nosotros es nosotros. Cuando un grupo de personas comparte unidad y enfoque, este se vuelve poderoso. Como iglesia estamos llamados a buscar la unidad y el enfoque, y particularmente para luchar en contra del pecado. En sus palabras el nos recuerda…

Why you’re not too busy to lead family worship

Charles Spurgeon proves that you aren’t too busy to make disciples in the home.

Nuestra ciudadanía celestial y el llamado glorioso de estar incomodos en el mundo

El profesor de Predicación Michael Pohlman, quien sufrió la muerte de su esposa recientemente, nos relata Bíblicamente lo que los Cristianos debemos hacer en las tribulaciones. De igual modo, le advierte aquellos quienes están muy cómodos en la tierra, cual es su ciudadanía y lo glorioso que es estar incomodos. Available in English here.

¿Qué debo hacer? ¿Plantar o revitalizar una iglesia?

Brian Croft responde a esa pregunta tan comúnmente discutida en los campus de seminarios pero en un enfoque distinto. Sea que sea la respuesta, sea revitalizar o plantar, Dios nos llama a seguir el modelo Bíblico multi-generacional, multi-étnico, multi-cultural. Available in English here.

9 possible reasons for your spiritual drought

Spiritual drought, though a persistent and unwelcome visitor, is not something with which we must constantly live. There are biblical means by which we can, by grace, put ourselves in the way of refreshment.

Is your marriage a picture of the gospel?

If marriage is a picture of Christ and his love for his church, then much more is at stake than my happiness.