
The Significance of Covenants in Biblical Theology

The Meaning of Circumcision in Israel: A Proposal for a Transfer of Rite from Egypt to Israel

Glory Veiled in the Tabernacle of Flesh: Exodus 33-34 in the Gospel of John

The Nature of the New Covenant: A Case Study in Ephesians 2:11-22

Paedocommunion, Paedobaptism, and Covenant Theology: A Baptist Assessment and Critique

The Sabbath and Its Relation to Christ and the Church in the New Covenant

Introduction In this article I will examine the subject of the Sabbath or Sabbath day and its relation to Christ and the Church in the new covenant. There has been much debate about Sabbatarianism in the history of the Church. Is the Sabbath still relevant for today? Should the Sabbath be observed by Christians? Which…

“The Glory of God” – The Character of God’s Being and Way in the World: Some Reflections on a Key Biblical Theology Theme

Book Reviews

Hall to lead a ‘new song’ of racial reconciliation as Boyce College dean

Matthew Hall, newly appointed dean of Boyce College, knows what it feels like to be different. He knows what it feels like to be an outsider, to wake up every morning knowing he’s not like everybody else. Hall was one of three children, and his family spent six years of his childhood as missionaries in…

Sampey’s Summers in Rio: ‘A passion for winning the unsaved to faith’

    Having joined the Southern Seminary faculty in 1887 as assistant professor of Hebrew, Greek, and homiletics, John R. Sampey served the institution until his death in 1946, a few weeks shy of his 83rd birthday. His long tenure at SBTS also entailed nearly 13 years as the seminary’s fifth president, during which time…

Faithfulness in persecution: Juan Sanchez discusses book on 1 Peter

EDITOR’S NOTE:  In what follows, Juan Sanchez, SBTS assistant professor of Christian theology and senior pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, Texas, talks with Towers writer Andrew J.W. Smith about his book 1 Peter For You.   AJWS: What does the church today need to hear from the book of 1 Peter?   JS: Well, particularly in…

Feature review: ‘1 Peter For You’

1 Peter For You (The Good Book Company 2016, $22.99), Juan R. Sanchez As any regular listener to “The Briefing” or anyone paying attention to the current political climate can attest, Christians live in a world growing more hostile by the day to their distinctive message. Keystones of Christian theology like the sanctity of marriage…

Book reviews: ‘KJV Creedal Bible’; ‘Baptist in America’; ‘Reviving the Black Church’; ‘A Theology of Biblical Counseling’

KJV Creedal Bible Tom J. Nettles Review by S. Craig Sanders In an age marked by staggering biblical illiteracy in the pews and even less awareness of historical theology, retired Southern Seminary professor Thomas J. Nettles delivers in the newly-published KJV Creedal Bible a brief commentary of the early church’s four seminal creeds and a defense of…

Towers | August 2016

Why some preachers get better and others don’t

No one denies that a preaching class and some coaching can help anyone become better. What we question is the possibility that someone with no natural giftedness and ability can be taught well enough that he can become really good.

What to do when your church is not revitalizing?

Whether you labor in a church of thousands or a church of twenty where everyone has the same last name, pray that king Jesus would be glorified by your life and your ministry.

Pastor, make prayer a priority

Pastors, I know your schedule is busy. But don’t forget to pray for your people this week.