
3 things John Calvin teaches us about writing

Theology is about God, and that’s precisely what Calvin intended to write about.

Imitate spiritual heroes

By speaking the Word of God to us, sharing insights we haven’t been given, the right heroes will protect us from far more error than they may give us.

How do you shepherd a dying and divided church?

A pastor should first come in, love them where they are, earn their trust, then break the news to them of their current state.

Your church is not your platform

The church is not a platform to serve a pastor’s visionary ideals, social stature, or emotional well-being. The church is the blood-bought property of God. For a pastor to treat the people as his platform is an act of treasonous theft, stealing for himself that which Christ our great high priest has purchased at the cost of his own blood.

How preaching makes disciples

Christ’s disciples always need the Word of God and they need faithful teachers to help them understand what it means and how it applies.