
How to deal with a church disrupter

5 strategies for dealing with members who disrupt church unity.

The best way to defend the gospel is passing it on

We preserve the faith by passing it on. We defend the gospel by making disciples.

5 tasks every pastor needs to do today (and every day)

Pastors must never tire of preaching Jesus. Pastors do not preach the words of men. They do not preach themselves. They do not preach their own wisdom or man-made techniques. They preach Christ and Him crucified.

Hospitality is not an optional ministry

Ministry is hospitality, and hospitality that is more than an event. It is simply the Christian way of life.

5 simple ways to get young students excited about old hymns

I wanted to help our older generation pass down these precious gems to the next generation. I also wanted the next generation to be able to take ownership of these hymns.

Why community can’t be the most important part of your church

Relationships are deeper and richer when our ultimate confidence is in Christ and not one another.

Hidden Idols: Unseating the idol of pride

Pride robs God of his glory because it delights in self-glory. That’s why seminary is so dangerous.