The problem with Bible reading plans (and what to do about it)
Many Bible reading plans split up the text and flow of most of the books of the Bible. Yes, one still reads the Bible, but it is a very unnatural reading.
Many Bible reading plans split up the text and flow of most of the books of the Bible. Yes, one still reads the Bible, but it is a very unnatural reading.
For those who have led little ones astray—who have caused others to renounce the gospel—their punishment will be more intense in some way.
Theology is more practical than we often realize.
Sanctification is part recognizing that our redemption has been accomplished by Christ, and part realizing that our redemption is being applied by the Spirit.
As we rise with him, even our personalities are redeemed and regenerated and renewed and reformatted.
The profile of a good listener is the opposite of the proverbial fool: patient, energetic, focused.
The church should be a place where training and growth occur so that Christians flourish.
Can we control our anxiety? Is it sinful?
Are New Year’s resolutions a good habit for gospel-centered Christians?
Use these questions as a tool to craft more intentional New Year’s resolutions.
There are no unimportant words in Scripture. So let us delight in them and preach them all.
5 tips to follow Jesus in a hyper-distracted world
While we are not God and cannot see the heart, certain evidence can help us discern the legitimacy of a child or teenager’s profession of faith.
Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can, and trust Jesus as the multiplier.
Memorizing it is hard, but the real secret, if there is one, is simply this: Repetition over time.
Scripture clearly forbids laziness, but does not forbid leisure time. After God finished creating the world and everything in it, he rested.
Are you pursuing love? In whatever else you’re pursuing, are you pursuing love?
Assurance of salvation only comes through repentance over a long period of time.