Denominational and Transdenominational Identity: Commonalities and Complexities in American Evangelicalism
Is Jesus just a copy of the pagan gods?
We know more about Jesus than any other person in antiquity.
Southern Baptists and the Doctrine of Scripture: The Question of Theological Development

6 things every Christian needs to know about sanctification
Sanctification is part recognizing that our redemption has been accomplished by Christ, and part realizing that our redemption is being applied by the Spirit.
Is Rapprochment Possible or Even Relevant?
The Enduring Appeal of Neo-Allegorical Interpretation: Baur and Bultmann Redux
Can a Christian be demon possessed?
We wrestle against the demonic, but the church overcomes Satan by the blood of Christ.
The Enduring Critical Objection to Confessional Reading of of Scripture
What are the differences between Christian denominations?
Although there are many different organizations, called by different names, we have unity in the gospel.
The Pastor as Theologian
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6 reasons every Christian should study theology
Each doctrine revealed in the Word of God is true. Each has been revealed that it might be believed. We cannot therefore omit any one.
Are there different degrees of eternal rewards and punishment?
Our great reward is Christ himself. All believers receive this salvation.
Are Catholics Christians?
If Catholics are saved, they are saved in spite of their church’s teaching, not because of it.
Does prayer actually change God’s mind?
Scripture teaches that God knows all things and plans all things and that our prayers change things.
Theology Forum
For this month, Towers asked two theology faculty members to answer this question: Where are you on the cessationist-continuationist spectrum? What do you make of stories about incredible supernatural or demonic activity? Bruce A. Ware T. Rupert and Lucille Coleman Professor of Christian Theology My position is a bit of a compromise, or blending, of…
God Is in Charge of the Universe
God is the creator and ruler of the universe – and that is good news.
The Roman Catholic Church, Then and Now: The Solas and the Continuing Conflict
How is it that God rescues sinful, fallen people in this world? The gospel is the good news for Protestants, Catholics, and every man.