
One Witness to the World: The Self-Attestation of Scripture

Revealed Forward: Figural Revelation of the Messiah’s Suffering and Glory in Israel’s Scripture According to Luke 24:13-35

Plenior, Praegnans, or Progressive: Inner-Bibilical Interpretation and Authorial Intent

Compatibilism and the Inspiration of Scripture

Dependent Freedom, Scripture, and Francis Turretin: An Argument for a Compatibilist Reading

God and Gay Christian Hermeneutics

Evaluating Providential Errancy Theory: Does God Inspire Moral Errors in the Bible?

Reasons Why New Testament Believers Need to Study, Teach and Preach the Old Testament

Book Reviews

Editorial: The Importance of Biblical Authority for the Life and Health of the Church

“They Will Hear My Voice”: A Biblical Theology of the Necessity and Sufficiency of Scripture

The Perfection of Sacred Scripture

A Misguided Quest for the Historical Adam: Implications for our View of Scripture

Can Critical Theory, and Critical Race Theory, Ground Human Dignity, Justice, and Equality?

A Biblical Analysis of Critical Race Theory

An Extended Review of Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory

Book Reviews

Editorial: The Importance of Covenants in Scripture and Theology