Pastor, teach your church theological triage
Pastor, help your people see when it’s time to go to war and when it’s time for diplomacy.
Pastor, help your people see when it’s time to go to war and when it’s time for diplomacy.
Considerate pastors understand what they are inheriting before people stop introducing them as the “new pastor.”
Dr. York sits down with father-and-son Bryant & George Wright to discuss family in ministry & why we need the SBC.
Evangelicals have been debating manhood and womanhood for decades, and the conflict shows no signs of subsiding.
Dr. York sits down with Amy Whitfield (director of marketing and communications, SEBTS; associate VP for convention communications, Executive Committee) to discuss SBC FAQs and parenting teenagers.
John of Damascus (676-749) is a model for how rich theology fuels Christian evangelism.
To suggest that an author other than Moses wrote Deuteronomy 34 by no means undermines Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch or the inspiration of Scripture.
Dr. York sits down with Don Whitney (author, Personal Spiritual Disciplines; associate dean and professor of biblical spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) to discuss the unforgivable sin and encouraging doubting believers
The Christ who died and lives forever and ever tells Christians to Fear Not.
One of the best decisions I have ever made for the benefit of my family and ministry has been to commit to a day off every week.
Dr. York sits down with Ray Ortlund (pastor at Immanuel Church in Nashville, TN, president of Renewal Ministries, Regional Director at Acts 29 Ministries) to discuss humility, joy in Christ, and discipling your children.
Confessions of faith should function as guardrails, not a straightjacket.
We all hold systems of theology that are prone to particular doctrinal deficiencies.
Dr. York sits down with Ronnie Floyd (former pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas, president & CEO of the SBC Executive Committee) to discuss COVID-19 & the SBC
In the spirit of trying to encourage the effective use of illustrations, here are eight places to look for them.
Only by God’s kind, saving, and sanctifying grace can anyone attain the characteristics, competencies, and commitments of a faithful missionary.
Minister that word and do not rely much at all on the “mechanics” of what you read from.
Denying the perseverance of the saints has absolutely devastating consequences.