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What must an elder be if he is “apt to teach”?

If we’re honest, every Christian would rather have a faithful preacher who occasionally mumbles words and gets lost in his notes than a shallow, captivating one.

6 Ways Confessions of Faith Promote Church Health

How should a local church use their confession of faith? Here are six ways a church might use a confession of faith.

Am I Preaching Moralism When I Preach Character Sketches from the OT?

In nearly 30 years of preaching through the Old Testament regularly, I’ve enjoyed helping God’s people see that he teaches some of his greatest truths through biography.

Augustine’s testimony demonstrates the grace of emptiness

In the end, only God himself is true happiness, beauty, and delight.

SBTS alum’s new book addresses “discipleship disease” in local churches

We have a discipleship disease in the local church. We have adopted a philosophy of ministry that sees discipleship inside the local church as optional, not necessary.

The top 5 dangers church planters (and their churches) face

Quite simply, we’re all grieved over church planters failing—not at planting, but at living holy lives, and thus faltering at finishing well and honoring Christ above all.

Your vote matters more (and less) than you think

None of us know what to expect as Election Day finally arrives. But we do know what God has called us to be about.

Why we need faithful preaching—even when it doesn’t seem to apply to us

If you want to be trained, mature, and ready for the good works God’s prepared for you to do each day, learn his Word well—even when it feels like he’s talking to someone else.

Paul’s ministry resume and yours, part 2

And like Paul, you may fervently and repeatedly pray for removal from your circumstances, but God will not change them due to a larger—and infinitely more glorious plan—that you do not see.

Paul’s ministry resume and yours, part 1

God’s servants will suffer, but he will not let them go. He is demonstrating his awesome power through their astonishing powerlessness.

7 traits of a narcissistic pastor

It is painful to watch shepherds fleece the flock they are leading, and so what follows is written with an eye to those churches who may be suffering from the effects of a narcissistic pastor.

The Council of Nicaea did not create the canon of Scripture

One idea that has yielded dangerous consequences is the notion that the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), under the authority of Roman emperor Constantine, established the Christian biblical canon.

Fundamentals of the missionary call in Adoniram Judson

What did it mean for Adoniram Judson to feel “called” to be a missionary?

Preacher, watch your tone in the pulpit

The orality of preaching makes it a more powerful medium than writing.

Are there degrees of sin?

So, does Scripture teach there are degrees of sin? The answer is, yes, but in making such an affirmation one can never relativize the serious nature of all sin

Does pop culture fit into the cultural mandate?

God did not just make humans who could make culture. God specifically says that humans should make culture to reflect him as Creator.

70 years at the same church: Valuable lessons from a persevering pastor

How easily younger ministers can assume that newer is better. Yet younger pastors need the perspective of those who’ve gone before us.

How to have ministry heroes without plagiarizing them

Scripture certainly gives warrant to have heroes, to study and emulate men and women of the faith whose lives are so marked by humble, courageous Christ-honoring character and grace-enabled skill in living the Christian life.