Article Page Feature

Is Christianity a religion of doctrine or of love? Yes.

Christianity does not begin by telling us to love other people. It begins with the great biblical doctrines of God, man, Christ, and the gospel.

3 reasons your church shouldn’t be all about numbers

The people of your city are not prospective church attendees, they are sheep without a shepherd.

3 reasons your church should be all about numbers

I would argue that the number of people who come to Christ and join your church should be of great concern. I believe you should care how many people are on your membership list — down to the very last one.

Making a Christian college Christian

A Christian college should mobilize its curriculum, faculty, and programming to help students develop the skill of thinking critically according to God’s revelation.

What does Paul mean when he says ‘let a woman learn quietly?’

God intends a certain order in the husband-wife relationship. The order of creation establishes the husband as leader in the first marriage and in all marriages to follow.

Seven things we often mistake for evangelism

We have not obeyed the calling to evangelize until we talk specifically about the person and work of Jesus Christ and the necessity to believe in him.

Four essential elements of evangelism

Whether you have been a Christian for a few months or a few years, Jesus Christ calls you, through his Word, to practice evangelism for his glory, your neighbor’s salvation, and your joy.

Author Interview: Thomas R. Schreiner on 1 Corinthians

Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, sat down with Andrew Smith to talk about the scholar’s new commentary on 1 Corinthians.

Good eschatology can keep a pastor from burnout

If we’re to endure faithfully in pastoral ministry, we need to remember that we’re leading the church in a time of tension — between the already and the not-yet.

4 important questions to ask before joining a church

If you can answer in the affirmative to all four of these questions, there is a good possibility you have found your next church.

Here’s why we must never preach legalism

Legalism always produces two kinds of people: Those who know they do not measure up to God’s standards; and those who pretend that they measure up to God’s standards.

Should I consider journaling this year?

Unlike the words of David and Jeremiah in Scripture, no believer’s writings today are divinely inspired. But the example of the biblical authors in writing their prayers, meditations, questions, etc., provides scriptural validation for Christians today to do the same.

Read these books on pastoral ministry in 2019

I’m confident many useful books for pastors will roll off the presses in 2019, but as we close out the old year and usher in the new, here are several of the best ministry-related books I read in 2018.

The possibilities of online education

What can quickly be forgotten in this rush toward online education is that the Scriptures and our theological confessions should shape not only the content of our courses but also their design and delivery.

What are involuntary sins and how should we deal with them?

Our responses flow from somewhere — from the deeper realities of the hearts we’re stewards of. We are stewards of the deeper realities just as much as we are of the surface expressions.

Christ-centered courage trumps charisma and gifts in evangelism

Love and mercy will reign forever when hate is cast away into outer darkness.

Humility can help a pastor avoid burnout

If you are a pastor, criticism comes with the territory.