Call to Ministry

Where Do Missionaries Serve?

We release missionaries from our churches and send them off to where the church is not and where the church is weak.

How Pastors Can Glorify Christ, Every Way

Packer’s parting message to the church is a call to action and a profound challenge and responsibility for her shepherds.

The Importance of Self-Leadership

Leaders must care for the spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, intellectual, and practical dimensions of their lives—not only for their own spiritual and personal flourishing but also for the flourishing of those around them.

What Can You Do with Your Bible Training?

As I spoke with different missions organizations and investigated further, I discovered the tremendous need for trained, qualified teachers to equip Christians overseas in biblical studies.

Episode 69: Having Heroes in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about navigating the line of mentorship within ministry.

Episode 61: How to Stay Positive in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about ways to stay positive within a ministry role.

Episode 57: How to Talk to a Church Search Committee

In this episode, Hershael York talks about what to pay attention to, and what questions to ask when being interviewed by a search committee.

Episode 54: Guarding Against Pornography

In this episode, Hershael York talks about individuals recovering from porn addiction and the dangers of allowing it to grow.

Episode 52: Permanent Disqualifications from Pastoral Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about the process of redemption and repentance within ministry.

Episode 49: How Long Should You Spend on Sermon Prep?

In this episode, Hershael York talks about how pastors in various circumstances can best prepare for sermons while using the time they have efficiently.

Episode 48: How to Prevent Burnout in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York talks about the importance of rest and taking care of oneself while actively doing ministry.

Episode 45: Challenges a Pastor May Face in Ministry

In this episode, Hershael York discusses the challenges that Pastor’s face at various times in their ministry. If you’re not a Pastor, this episode provides insight on what the role looks like from behind the pulpit.

Episode 41: Knowing Your Ministry Calling

In this episode, Hershael York explains how God reveals His will within a Pastor’s ministry calling.

The Priestly Ministry of Peacemaking

We must be marked not merely by the courage to do battle when necessary but also the gentleness, wisdom, and endurance needed to win the peace.

How Should a Pastor Handle Criticism? This Book Gives Excellent Advice

Pastors are sinners dealing with sinners, so criticism is inevitable while ministering in a fallen world.

5 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor

In our fallen world, sin knows no boundaries, sheep bite, wolves creep into churches, and life is hard.

The 8 Stages of a Long-Term Pastoral Ministry

One day every shepherd will give an accounting to the Chief Shepherd. May we be able to offer a good report from every stage.

Dear Seminarian, Go to Church Where You’ll be Most Useful

Without a Christ-centered desire to be useful to his church, personal preference and comfort become the deciding factors. When that happens, we have become consumers, and the church is our product.