3 ways to encourage your weary, faithful pastor
Your pastor doesn’t need flattery, but he does need genuine, biblical encouragement that helps him keep his hands to the plow.
Your pastor doesn’t need flattery, but he does need genuine, biblical encouragement that helps him keep his hands to the plow.
Apathy and ignorance about politics are not a Christian virtues.
The book of Daniel has much to say about the unrivaled sovereignty of God. He is the God of history and the King of kings, and his dominion is an everlasting dominion. It also has much to say about the faithfulness and courage of those who live under his sovereignty in the face of rival…
I haven’t met many Ph.D. students who don’t like to write. Some may like writing more than others, but most enjoy writing—or, at least, the satisfaction of having written. Wherever you find yourself on the love-for-writing spectrum, a dissertation awaits completion, and you must finish. Here are a few tips to help you. 1. Write sooner. The…
If Christians are to understand their Muslim neighbors (locally and globally) and share with them effectively, it is necessary that we grasp how they understand themselves.
In the dark days of World War I, British soldiers carried with them in the trenches an epic poem they treasured deeply. It cast a spiritual meaning to the war, providing a national and religious icon. G.K. Chesterton’s The Ballad of the White Horse retold the AD 878 victory of Alfred the Great over the Vikings…
We are grateful you take the time to read the Southern Blog. Our goal is to share with you great content that will help you in your ministry. Here are our top 10 most read posts of 2014. 1. 10 Reasons you cannot be a missionary — David Sills “I travel and speak in a…
The longer you live in community with people, the more credibility you will have—unless you simply don’t earn and have credibility.
January 1 is a new start when it comes to daily Bible reading, here are five suggestions for what not to do in 2018.
Although the name George Whitefield is not readily associated with Christian hymnody, he left his own mark on one of the most famous Christmas carols, penned by his friend and contemporary, Charles Wesley. The Wesleys had an enduring friendship and connection with Whitefield, beginning with their Oxford “Holy Club,” followed by separate missionary journeys to…
You don’t want to be the sort of worship leader who makes yourself the central reference point in every situation. As a worship leader or worship pastor, you must look past yourself and remember that you serve Christ and his church.
**Editors Note: Dan DeWitt recently wrote a worldview novella for young readers called The Owlings. You can read and excerpt of the book here. You can also purchase a copy of his book here. The Jesuits are responsible for the quote, “Give me the child … and I will give you the man.” The idea…
When Christians default to sinful assaults on other believers, the glory of Christ is dismantled and everyone gets hit.
In the context of acute and radical moral change, we now face an inevitable conflict of liberties that is excruciating, immense, and eminent. The conflict of liberties means that the new moral regime, with the backing of the courts and the regulatory state, will prioritize erotic liberty over religious liberty. Over the course of…
The doctrine of the Incarnation isn’t a hot topic in the circles I run in. I’ve seen little ink spilled over it. The mission of the church, the place of penal substitution, the role of women in ministry, and the legitimacy of multi-site? Sure. But not the Incarnation and two natures of Jesus. That’s why…
EDITOR’S NOTE: In what follows, Gregg R. Allison, professor of Christian theology at Southern Seminary, discusses his new book, Roman Catholic Theology and Practice: An Evangelical Assessment, with Towers editor S. Craig Sanders. CS: What was your methodology for assessing Roman Catholic theology and how did you engage with it in this book? GA: Most Protestants and…
For many Christians like me, Christmas is a time of comfort, of peace, and of abundance. We’re fortunate if that is the case. But what if Christmas is intended to be an annual reminder of our need for a Savior to break into our darkness, our “homelessness,” and for us to be convicted of…
One of the questions I frequently encounter by Christians in the West is whether or not the Arabic word Allah can be used to refer to the God of the Bible. Many well-meaning Western Christians have sought to disassociate the God of Islam from the God of Christianity. In doing so they’ve focused their efforts on…