
Why your personality shapes everything you do in ministry

As we rise with him, even our personalities are redeemed and regenerated and renewed and reformatted.

4 tough questions every pastor needs to ask about food

We have to own our pursuit or rejection of food before Jesus can come and provide the only lasting comfort amidst this world’s sufferings.

Why every pastor needs to become a better listener

The profile of a good listener is the opposite of the proverbial fool: patient, energetic, focused.

Does my church have to choose between Sunday school and small groups?

The church should be a place where training and growth occur so that Christians flourish.

5 things every pastor can learn from Billy Graham

Billy Graham’s faith was authentic, on and off the crusade stage.

7 things every Christian can learn from Billy Graham

These observations are not about the vast numerical impact of his evangelistic ministry (such as preaching to over 200 million people), but about his on-going legacy from which we can draw inspiration in our own lives and ministries today.

Billy Graham and Southern Seminary

Seven decades of Great Commission collaboration

5 tips every wife and mother in ministry needs

How would your stressed-out, stretched-too-thin life look if you sought to balance marriage, motherhood, and ministry biblically?

4 tools to help busy pastors stay informed

How can a pastor stay informed without being glued to the news?

What Charles Spurgeon’s Valentine teaches us all about marriage

On Valentine’s Day, Charles Spurgeon’s marriage is a model for us all.

Do I have to join a church to be be a Christian?

Your soul needs more than information. In a local church, your preacher is also your pastor who can know you, care for you, and help you.

How to pastor women (without making them uncomfortable)

In the #MeToo Era, many pastors live as though God will not hold them accountable for the souls of women in their church.

4 keys to actually start praying for persecuted Christians

The persecuted church needs our prayer. Here’s how you can help.

Do church plants kill sending churches?

My sending church died two years after our launch. What went wrong?

5 friends every pastor needs

Isolation is not good for a pastor, his wife and family, or the church he serves.

When should pastors let members leave?

As pastors, we must lovingly guide those whom God has placed under our care to steward their privilege of church membership well.

45 ways to waste your time in seminary

You will languish in seminary if you protect yourself from real fellowship by only talking about theology and never about your personal spiritual issues, sin, and struggles.

The selfish reason to stay at the same church for a long time

When a pastor remains at the same church for a long time, the church flourishes. So does the pastor.