5 tips every wife and mother in ministry needs
How would your stressed-out, stretched-too-thin life look if you sought to balance marriage, motherhood, and ministry biblically?
How would your stressed-out, stretched-too-thin life look if you sought to balance marriage, motherhood, and ministry biblically?
How can a pastor stay informed without being glued to the news?
On Valentine’s Day, Charles Spurgeon’s marriage is a model for us all.
Your soul needs more than information. In a local church, your preacher is also your pastor who can know you, care for you, and help you.
In the #MeToo Era, many pastors live as though God will not hold them accountable for the souls of women in their church.
The persecuted church needs our prayer. Here’s how you can help.
My sending church died two years after our launch. What went wrong?
Isolation is not good for a pastor, his wife and family, or the church he serves.
As pastors, we must lovingly guide those whom God has placed under our care to steward their privilege of church membership well.
You will languish in seminary if you protect yourself from real fellowship by only talking about theology and never about your personal spiritual issues, sin, and struggles.
When a pastor remains at the same church for a long time, the church flourishes. So does the pastor.
“Segregation is a moral evil which no Christian can accept. The church must make it clear that if we are to be true witnesses of Jesus Christ, we can no longer give our allegiance to a system of segregation.”
It’s not like the internal call comes from God and the external comes from man. No, God works through people in both cases.
Each doctrine revealed in the Word of God is true. Each has been revealed that it might be believed. We cannot therefore omit any one.
A supernatural gospel is not just for frontline missionaries.
To belong to a community is to be at its disposal, to have given over all you have to be used for whatever your community needs.
Nothing in seminary can quite get the young pastor completely ready for everything he will face in his first year.
From Bible memory to world missions, here are the most-viewed resources from Southern Equip this year.