
Why I Left Ministry (Temporarily) to Learn More about It

During my time at SBTS, I’ve realized that I needed to leave ministry temporarily and give myself to studying the things of God full-time

Study Theology Knowing You’ll Never Plumb the Depths of God

If we ever appear to have exhausted our knowledge of God, we’ve certainly committed idolatry because we’re no longer talking about God.

What Will We Think about Our Rhetoric on the Last Day?

Hyperbole and exaggeration can be effective rhetorical devices, grabbing our attention and constraining us to see what we didn’t see before, but they can also be used for ill and to mislead.

Luther’s Dying Words are True: We are Beggars.

We’re beggars because the words of man will never fill our spiritual appetite. We need food from heaven. We need to hear from God.

4 Reasons Why It’s Important for a Pastor to Know Himself

Until heaven, our motives will never be as pure as they should be. But how can we know if they are carnal unless we first know ourselves?

How Can Pastors Combat Conspiracy Theories in Their Church?

The enemy would love God’s people chasing abstract and far-fetched untruths rather than sharing the good news of the gospel with their neighbors.

What Was the Most Important Lesson I Learned in Seminary?

Oddly enough, the more knowledge I gain, the more rarified intellectual air tends to fill the inner balloon that is my ego. But these words are a deflating pin: “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

If Justification Is Once-for-All, Why Do I Need to Keep Repenting?

Praying “Forgive us our debts” isn’t just a duty we have as sinners; it’s a privilege we have as sons.

Your Eschatology Has Consequences

How you live now is correlated with how you believe God is working towards eternity.

Religious Liberty Made Me a Baptist

Religious liberty implies a recognition that individuals make conscientious decisions to participate in group associations that have different requirements and different callings than the rest of society and the state. In my view, these truths lead one inside the walls of a Baptist church.

Five Myths about the Church

The church needs a clear definition of its nature before it determines and actualizes its functions and activities.

Fear Being Liked

Being liked is the currency of our social relationships, seen in everything from the unspoken gravitation toward one person over another at a party to the digitized tokens of attention we exchange on social media.

Pastors Should Have Friends within Their Churches

Isolation and loneliness are common struggles for even the most extroverted pastors, and they remind us that those called to shepherd God’s flock need ministry too.

Do You Have Enough Faith to Be Kind?

When we fail to be kind to brothers and sisters in Christ, we are failing to trust God in some way, perhaps his power to change hearts or the sufficiency of his Word.

4 Ways to Make Church History Come Alive for Your Bible Study Group

If you’re someone who loves old books—because you love church history and want others to share your enthusiasm—group Bible study can seem like a balancing act between trying to be helpful on one hand and appearing prideful on the other.

God is Sovereign in Salvation and That’s a Beautiful Thing

Disputed and disdained though it may be, predestination and its sibling, election, are plainly taught in Scripture and every exegete must make peace with it.

Interview: 40 Questions on Pastoral Ministry with Phil Newton

I hope my journey’s biblical, theological, historical, and practical reflections will serve pastors for years to come.

Eight Types of People Churches Should Send to the Mission Field

If you wouldn’t put the would-be missionary on your church staff—assuming you had the funds to do so—don’t put them on a plane.