I’m a Christian teenager. What do I say to my LGBT-identifying friends?
Whether at a public school or in a workplace, we must equip teenagers to love their LGBT-identifying friends without sacrificing the truth.
Whether at a public school or in a workplace, we must equip teenagers to love their LGBT-identifying friends without sacrificing the truth.
As we seek to reach this generation for Christ and partner with them for Kingdom-focused work, we must recognize some of the defining characteristics of this generation and how God might use them in the Great Commission
Church History professor Stephen Presley sat down with Jonathan Pennington at the Bookstore at Southern to discuss his recent book Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World like the Early Church.
Rightly understood, natural law can explain how general and special revelation support one another. But sometimes theologians appeal to natural law at the expense of Scripture.
Since its founding, the Jenkins Center has provided and produced resources to help Christians boldly, respectfully, and relevantly proclaim the gospel to Muslims.
During Jesus’s earthly ministry, he asked brilliant questions. Whenever Jesus asks a question, he makes a point or moves the discussion to another level.
The natural law is an essential pillar in a Christian ethic that hopes to be faithful to the gospel in its public witness.
Connections between pagan practices and later patterns in Christian worship or holiday celebrations may be interesting—but these links have nothing to do with whether New Testament accounts of the life of Jesus are historically accurate.
If you’re a skeptical reader of Scripture, be honest about your questions. Pray about the concern, study the text carefully, and pose questions to a trusted source.
The church should stand firm in its enduring reading of Scripture’s account of divine creation and remain faithful to its historical position, praising God the Creator for his purposeful creation ex nihilo and of every specific kind of both nonliving and living things.