scott slayton

Scott Slayton

Scott Slayton (M.Div., SBTS) serves as Lead Pastor at Chelsea Village Baptist Church in Chelsea, Alabama. Scott and his wife Beth have four children: Hannah, Sarah Kate, Leah, and Matt.  He regularly writes at his personal blog One Degree to Another.

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How should I preach the genealogies in Scripture?

The genealogies challenge every Bible reader and every expositor, but they also yield the fruit of a greater grasp of the biblical narrative.

Pastoral ministry is the weightiest of callings

Every serious pastor labors under a heavy weight. This is not belly-aching or an embellishment, but rather this is the reality of being a pastor.

What is a bad sermon and how do I recover from preaching one?

Pastor, you are a Christian first. If you did not carry out your calling effectively, rest in the finished work of Christ and in the knowledge that you are a child of God by faith alone.

4 ways to undermine your Christian witness on social media

Jesus laid out a good rule of thumb for all of our online interactions when he said, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Three ways to show church members the value of regular church attendance

What if you miss something bigger than missing out on a sermon or singing when you don’t gather with your church body?

5 questions to ask before preaching any sermon

There are many more questions we could ask of our sermons, but these five get to the heart of biblical preaching.

4 ways doctrine impacts every day of my life (and why the church needs it)

Theology is more practical than we often realize.

5 steps to be a better reader (and read better books)

Ministry leaders are often pressed for time, but we must make time to read. The reward is worth the work.

4 tools to help busy pastors stay informed

How can a pastor stay informed without being glued to the news?

Church planting probably won’t make you famous

If you go into church planting looking for fame or adventure, you probably won’t find either.

Take up your cross, put down your phone, and follow me

5 tips to follow Jesus in a hyper-distracted world

4 strategies for those who’ve quit their Bible reading plan

Change up the way that you read the Bible.

How do I know if my child is a Christian?

Your child does not get a visible mark on her forehead or a stripe on her back when she comes to Jesus, so you have to talk, pray, and discern.

How to remember the Bible passages you memorize

I know this might sound like a lot of effort but it is worth every second to have God’s word stored up in our hearts.

How to read the news like a Christian

We live in very different times now. That news headline that scares or angers you begs for your attention.

Pastor, don’t forget to guard your church

People often ignore the watchman or disregard his words, but this does not deter the faithful pastor.

Questions to ask before posting about politics on social media

Christians must spend time in careful thought before they post about politics on social media.

What to do when your church is not revitalizing?

Whether you labor in a church of thousands or a church of twenty where everyone has the same last name, pray that king Jesus would be glorified by your life and your ministry.