Dr. Albert Mohler headshot

R. Albert Mohler Jr.
President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

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Heaven and Hell Are Real

“My emotional response to a particular doctrine or teaching is not the barometer of its theological truth.”

Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven

We believe there is only one way to heaven. But the good news is that there is a way at all.

Here We Stand

Eight ways the Protestant Reformation continues to shape evangelicalism — and Southern Seminary

The centrality of Scripture yesterday, today and forever

The errors that Luther countered in 1517 and throughout the Reformation have persisted even into our own day.

Luke 10:38-42

The only thing necessary is the preaching of the Word of God.

Jesus is the Son of God

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Everything else we believe depends on that.

Do You Believe What You Believe You Believe?

R. Albert Mohler teaches on apologetics in Southern Seminary chapel

The Bible is God’s Word

The Bible is not just a book for Christians, it is the singular revealed word of God.

The Leadership Briefing

There Is A God

Defending the Christian faith is not for the weak or the lazy. It’s for the brave.

Ask Anything Live (Episode 5)

And in Him All Things Hold Together: Jesus Christ as Beginning and End of Knowledge

There is no true education when Jesus Christ is not recognized as the center of all learning.

Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible

“It is well and good for the preacher to base his sermon on the Bible, but he better get to something relevant pretty quickly, or we start mentally to check out.” That stunningly clear sentence reflects one of the most amazing, tragic, and lamentable characteristics of contemporary Christianity: an impatience with the Word of God.…

Preaching in a secular age

With the advance of secular pluralism, expository preaching must become the church’s strategy for survival.

Expository preaching and the recovery of Christian worship

The church will not be judged by the Lord for the quality of her music but for the faithfulness of her preaching.

The Recovery of True Worship

Worship is the purpose for which we were made — and only the redeemed can worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

Don’t Just Do Something: Stand There

The 1993 Convocation Address delivered by R. Albert Mohler, Jr, President The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary