Don Whitney

Donald S. Whitney is a longtime pastor and author of numerous books on the Christian life, he is also founder of The Center for Biblical Spirituality and is author of numerous books including Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Praying the Bible.

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The Almost Inevitable Ruin of Every Minister and How to Avoid It

31 questions to ask for a more Christ-centered 2024

The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to stop, look up, and get our bearings. To that end, here are some questions to ask prayerfully in the presence of God.

Four Ways to Start the Semester Spiritually Strong

If you’ve taken Personal Spiritual Disciplines with me, you can probably guess much of what you are about to read here—or at least I hope you can. But even if you have taken the class, I hope you’ll find these brief reminders helpful.

How God Helps Us Pray According to His Will

The Spirit of God will use the word of God to help the people of God pray increasingly according to the will of God.

10 Things You Should Know about Prayer

Our Father loves to hear our voices. Nothing is too small to bring to him.

His Eyes Are Like a Flame of Fire

10 Questions to Ask at Thanksgiving

Here are some questions designed to spark not only conversation, but also dialogue relevant to the season.

Should We Have Christian Heroes?

What’s the difference between interpreting the Bible and praying the Bible?

When praying the Bible, our primary activity is prayer, not Bible intake. Bible reading is secondary in this process. Our focus is on God through prayer; our glance is at the Bible.

9 doctrines you need to know today

You can trust everything the Bible says about the Christian life. But these nine are among those the Bible emphasizes most often.

What should I do if I doubt my salvation?

Why do I doubt my salvation?

We Are Worse than We Think We Are, but Jesus Is Better than We Think He Is

Author Interview: Donald S. Whitney on “How Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian?”

Donald S. Whitney discusses his book “How Can I Be Sure I’m a Christian?” and the satisfying certainty of eternal life

Should I consider journaling this year?

Unlike the words of David and Jeremiah in Scripture, no believer’s writings today are divinely inspired. But the example of the biblical authors in writing their prayers, meditations, questions, etc., provides scriptural validation for Christians today to do the same.

Give yourself to the discipline of learning

A hunger to learn the Word of God, the ways of God, and the will of God expresses a hunger for God himself.

Are you sure you need a quiet time?

If you can’t make time to meet God through the Bible and prayer now, it’s very unlikely you will when (if) life does slow down.

Why I read Proverbs every day

I plan to continue this practice for the rest of my life, for I never outgrow the need for the practical wisdom of this divinely-inspired book.