Denny Burk
Professor of Biblical Studies; Director of The Center for Gospel and Culture
President’s Forum: A Discussion of Issues Facing the SBC

Does the BF&M Allow for Female Associate Pastors?
The short answer is that it identifies only two offices and categorically limits the pastoral office to qualified men. The basis of this limitation is not arbitrary but based on God’s design as it is revealed in Scripture.
2 Corinthians 4:1-2

A way-station to egalitarianism: A review essay of Aimee Byrd’s Recovering from Biblical Manhood & Womanhood
Evangelicals have been debating manhood and womanhood for decades, and the conflict shows no signs of subsiding.

Battling panic in the age of coronavirus
Will we trust in Christ or will we get swept away by panic?

Here’s why the Bible calls men to “act like men”
In 1 Corinthians 16:13, the Apostle Paul has clearly chosen to associate courage with masculinity.

2 things every child needs in a gender-confused world
The Bible puts solid ground beneath our feet so that we don’t have to guess at what it means to be male and female.

Does Paul want husbands and wives to ‘submit to one another’?
The pattern for a husband’s headship is Christ’s headship over his bride — the church.
Let Him Who Boasts Boast in the Lord

Does God really want everyone to be saved?
There is only one God, and that means there is only one plan of salvation.

The big mistake egalitarians make when they interpret Paul
Female prophecy in the Old and New Testaments is no argument in favor of female teaching or preaching.

What does Paul mean when he says ‘let a woman learn quietly?’
God intends a certain order in the husband-wife relationship. The order of creation establishes the husband as leader in the first marriage and in all marriages to follow.
Nuances of the Infinitive: Why Some Greek Infinitives are Preceded by Articles

What does Paul mean when he says “she will saved through childbearing”?
A wife’s fulfillment of her role will be one of the evidences of perseverance in the faith.
Honoring Headship

Pursue God, not pornography
If you’ve got areas in your life that you are intentionally keeping in the dark, you’ve not only got to confess your sin, but you’ve got to attach yourself to people who can help keep you accountable.
Resolute in a Gender-Confused Culture
Our society is confused about gender and sexuality because it has forgotten what it means to be created in the image of God as male and female.