
How can I know that my child is saved?

While we are not God and cannot see the heart, certain evidence can help us discern the legitimacy of a child or teenager’s profession of faith.

Don’t waste your leisure

Scripture clearly forbids laziness, but does not forbid leisure time. After God finished creating the world and everything in it, he rested.

How to deal with a church disrupter

5 strategies for dealing with members who disrupt church unity.

The best way to defend the gospel is passing it on

We preserve the faith by passing it on. We defend the gospel by making disciples.

5 tasks every pastor needs to do today (and every day)

Pastors must never tire of preaching Jesus. Pastors do not preach the words of men. They do not preach themselves. They do not preach their own wisdom or man-made techniques. They preach Christ and Him crucified.