
A Fresh Look at Martin Luther’s ‘A Mighty Fortress’

Since German is my first language, and since I grew up hearing this hymn from my parents first in German, I wanted to attempt a fresh version that might clarify a few obscure spots in the English text.

How the Reformation recovered the Great Commission

The Reformers didn’t just recapture the true gospel, they caught a vision to spread it to the ends of the earth.

What to expect when pastoring your first church

New pastors quickly find out that the church on the ground is different, messier, and more complicated than the church you envisioned in your head.

7 elements every worship service needs

As worship leaders, what we believe about God must always determine how we lead our churches.

Take up your cross, put down your phone, and follow me

5 tips to follow Jesus in a hyper-distracted world

This is why I love teaching my kids about the Reformation

I want them to know the gospel is everything. I want them to know defending the Bible is dangerous, but worth the risk.