
Fathers as Shepherds

Fathers are called to be pastors in their homes.

Book Review: ‘Christian Nurture’ by Horace Bushnell

Part of Bushnell’s thesis is that parents are responsible for the spiritual development of their children; he argues that Christian nurture begins in the home.

The Problem and the Promise of Family Ministry

After decades on the back burner of congregational life, family ministry has suddenly become a hot topic.

Volume 1, Issue 2: Family Ministry and Fatherhood

Volume 1, Issue 1: Biblical and Theological Foundations for Family Ministry

Modeling Modesty

Provide your email address to download your free copy of Modeling Modesty.

Sermon: Expositional Preaching as a Mark of a Healthy Church

Expository preaching is central to God’s plan for building healthy churches.

The Living God of the Bible

The Never-Changing Christ For An Ever-Changing Culture

Empowered by the Spirit of God: The Holy Spirit in the Historiographic Writings of the Old Testament

The SBJT Sermon: The Gospel Truth

The SBJT Forum: Is There a Battle to Define God?