
The Richness and Depth of ‘Faith Alone’

Schreiner discusses new book and relevance of Reformation doctrine

Why Muslims should advocate biblical inerrancy

In any conversation between a Christian and a Muslim, one of the first disputed topics is the authenticity of the Bible. Usually Christians are told they have a falsified or corrupted Bible, or that the Bible they possess today is not actually the authentic and inspired text—it was altered and replaced by a forged one.…

Always be prepared to make a defense

“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord has holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” 1 Pet. 3:15 (ESV) I’ve had the privilege of teaching Introduction to Philosophy and Introduction to…

Mighty in the Scriptures

  One of the greatest Southern Baptist forebears is John A. Broadus, who with James P. Boyce, William Williams and Basil Manly Jr., founded The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1859. The fledgling seminary closed during the Civil War and restarted afterwards with only seven students, and four faculty who took no salary. Only one student…

Part 4 – Did not our hearts burn?: expository reading

  Editors note: Read also Part 1, Part 2 or Part 3 of this series.   Read the Bible When I was 13 years old, my mother gave me a photocopy of a hand-written guide for reading the Bible through in a year. Thus began the most important part of my theological education – immersion in Scripture. [tweetable]In…

10 steps for change

  [tweetable]The Bible is all about the grace of change. It’s a story of new beginnings and fresh starts.[/tweetable] The Bible holds before us that hope that we can change, and in so doing, act and speak in new and better ways. And although the Bible clearly presents that change generally is a process and…

How Easter relates to suffering: five reflections on living in light of sin and evil – Part II

  Third, in God’s plan of redemption, God not only demonstrates that he is sovereign over sin and evil, but also that in his sovereignty, holiness, justice, and grace he is rooting out sin and evil in the cross work of Christ, thus demonstrating that he is perfectly good and trustworthy. Scripture teaches that in…

The Necessity of Preaching the Word

A Word-Centered Culture Instead of a Man-Centered Culture

The danger is that we will become man-centered instead of Word-centered, so that we prize the preacher more than what is preached.